Chapter 31.

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Well my therapist was no help. She told me thing I already knew and asked questions I didn't want to awnser.

Wow what a great way to connect with your patients. I sat in her room, still confused at why she just left. I decided my time would be better spent at home then here.

I walked over to the car, got in and headed home. As I was driving I passed the school. I was dreading a number of things including having to go back there. I also didn't want to talk to Kate or Ashton. If her liked her that was okay, I just really didn't want to be apart of there stupid love, I would just ruin things.

I was planning on hanging out with Luke later today, as in going on a first date with him. Sophia and Michael were coming to. I never really understood the concept of double dating, I mean it's seems like you would want to be alone with you date rather than two other people.

I made my way into to the house and rushed to the kitchen. My Aunt was at work so I had nothing to worry about. I grabbed the Oreo's from the top shelf of my cabinet. Then I heard the front door open.

Laughter was quickly filling the doorway. I went to see who it was, cookie in hand and mouth.

"Alex?" It was Kate and Sophia "Oh my god are you okay what happened?"

She ran and embraced me in a huge hug, knocking the cookie on to the floor.

"Awww you made me drop my cookie" I said getting down to pick it up.

"Hey you didn't awnser my question" Kate said "what happened"

"Well I was so clearly hurt that I went and secluded myself from all living things, wanting nothing more than for everyone to not talk to me about anything" I paused "but how was your day" I very clearly fake smiled heading to the trash can.

"Alex, I'm sorry. If it really bugs you I wont see him, I care about our friendship a lot more then some guy"

" just sucks that no one, not one person wanted to tell me what the fuck was going on, like I was going to find out one way or another you should have been smart about finding a way to tell me" I said "I could have taken it, I've done it before"

Kate was silent.

I smirked knowing I had left her speechless.

"Okay, okay this is being really dramatic. You guys are friends, like really good friends you need to stop" Sophia said "it not healthy.

"I'm sorry..." Kate mumbled

"Yeah, me to" I said

She looked up shocked that I was apologizing.

"What?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I came to the conclusion of yesterday night" I said "I figured out that Zach not really dead"

I stuffed another Oreo half into my mouth.

Kate and Sophia exchanged looks.

"How do you know" Sophia asked

"Well I had a flashback, not a huge deal" I said.

"Alex that's really random, what do you think caused it" Sophia said.

"Is don't know, maybe seeing Ashton confess his love to my best friend " I said in a mocking way "Oh sorry"

Kate looked hurt and sad. And all because of me. I was starting to second guess if them moving here was a good idea.

"Well that's great" Kate said.

"Ya, it is" I smiled

My phone rang.

Incoming Call

Lukey Poo

I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

I could hear his muffled voice.

"Hey, so do you still want to hang out tonight, I haven't seen you since yesterday" he said

"Wow you are so clingy" I laughed

"Well I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic looking for his princess" Luke said " I can't stop thinking about you Alex, its becoming a problem, my teachers don't know what's wrong with me. It took me a while to find the issue to. But it's not an issue, it's great. Do you want to be the princess for this very, very hopeless romantic."

I felt my cheeks turn red.

"I'll take that as a yes, I'll see you soon my sweet"

After he hung up I staired at my phone for a couple of seconds before shaking my head lightly laughing.

"He's so weird" I said

"Hey were still on tonight?" Sophia asked.

"On for what?" Kate said

"Oh we were going to see a movie with Luke and Michael..." I didn't invite her on purpose.

"And you can come if you want" Sophia said.

I looked at her and then back at Kate.

"Okay I'll let Ashton know, I'll be back" she smiled and got up to go get her phone.

"Idiot!" I said

"What?" Sophia asked

"I don't want to see Ashton dude, why did you invite her it's not going to be fun now."

"Hey it will be fine, plus Kate wouldn't have anything to do"

"Ya I guess, it's still going to suck" I said rolling my eyes.

"You know of you keep rolling your eyes so much there going to get stuck in the back of your head dipshit"

I fake smiled at her.

"Okay Ashton is cool with coming" Kate said looking at her phone "now let's go get ready"

I was perfectly fine not talking to Ashton for the rest of my high school years, now I have to sit at a two hour movie with him, great.

Kate dragged me into the bathroom. Hey, I tried to stay the slightest bit positive.

"Okay we should curl your hair" Kate suggested

"Ew what no, do you want me to choke on my own hair" I half laughed.

"Okay well then let's straighten it" Kate said

"Face it there is nothing you can do to make me look good" I said

"Just wait and see" Kate said turning me around so I couldn't face a mirror.

After 30 minutes of riping our hair out of our skulls, clothes flying out of our closests, and me almost dying of choking on hairspray, we were finally done. I hadn't looked at myself for a solid hour. Even though I was done in about 15 minutes, Kate took forever to get ready and wanted us all to see the big reveal.

"Ok is everyone ready" she had her hands over me and Sophias faces.

"Ya I guess" I said

"Sure" Sophia said.

"Okay look" Kate dropped her hands.

My hair was in beach curls, I was wearing dark blue jeans and a flowy tank top shirt that was a bit cropped on me and was light pink.

Sophia was wearing black jeans and a tight blue shirt that hugged her amazing body. Her blue hair was straightened.

Kate was wearing a cream colored dress that showed of a little bit of her shoulders but the connected back at the elbow. Her hair was in a perfect bun. And she was were gladiator flip flops.

All of us looked great, but not to over dressed.

"Well?" Kate asked

"I love it, great job Kate" Sophia said looking at Kate.

I was silent for a couple more seconds.

"Damn I look good" I laughed.

Just one more pill 5sos fanfic Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin ( #wattys2015 )Where stories live. Discover now