Chapter 35. Hospital Bound

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"What the hell do you want" I spat at Michael.

It seemed as though the once friendly guy I once new was gone.

"Please just let me come in" Michael begged

"You have no right to be hear, you can't say anything Michael" I said standing up.

"Michael what do you want" Sophia asked in an extremely tired voice.

"I no I can't explain what I did, but I want you to forgive me...please" Michael said

"It takes me getting in the hospital for you to finally care, wow your even more awful than I thought you were" Sophia rolled her eyes.

"It's know it didn't seem like it but I did care" he said.

"Well you sure have a horrible way of showing it" Sophia said sitting up.

"Sophia please" Michael said.

"No get away, your absolutely ridiculous if you think I'm going to let you back in" she said.

"Sophia I know I'm what caused you to be in her and I feel really bad-"

"You don't know me Michael, your not all that caused this. I'm usually strong, you where just the thing that pushed me over. You were a small part if it. Do you really think I would kill myself because of. Boy?" Sophia said "stay away from me Michael, I want you to feel guilty."


"Okay, fine" Michael choked "I'm sorry..."

"Fuck you" she said in response as Michael shut the door.

"Wow that was intense..." Kate said breaking the quite

"Ya, but it was necessary" I said.

About five minutes later a nurse walked in.

"Oh hello, I came to deliver some news from the front desk" she paused "we were made aware of your situation with foster care and the board of administration has decided that your parents would be made aware you the problem, with that in mind your parents will be coming hear. They actually left last night, so they'll be coming in about an hour" the nurse was smiling.

Well that was a shock. There couldn't have been another way to solve it.

The nurse left after realizing the awkward silence.

"What the fuck, they can't come, I wont let them see me!" Sophia shouted throwing her pudding cup.

"Woah, woah, calm down will find a way out of this" I said

"Ya, can't you tell someone" Kate said

"Apparently they have already been made aware of my situation, I'm leaving" Sophia said almost pulling out some of her wires.

"What no, your still on life support. There not going to let you leave now" I said

She sat there, not speaking.

"Hey sweethearts, visiting hours are over" a nurse told us.

"Oh well we better go, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you" I said bending down and giving her a hug.

"You to" she said faking a smile.
Me and Kate waved and then we were gone.

*beep beep*

Text from: Lukey Poo

Hey, I heard about Sophia. She doing okay? do you want me to come over? That was a stupid and rude thing to do on Michael's part. Love you, text me back as soon as possible.

Text to Lukey Poo

Hi, Sophia's okay. Maybe you could come over so I can talk to you. Michael is being a dick. Love you, text meeeeee

Text from Lukey Poo

I'll be at your house in ten minutes, I'm bringing Ashton if that's cool.

"Hey Kate, Luke and Ashton are coming over to help sort things out" I said looking over at her.

"Oh I was just about to text him, does he know what happened?" She said.

"No Luke does though" I said "I think Aunt Jennifer told him"

In exactly 9 minutes Luke and Ashton where inside the house.

Kate and I probably looked depressing as hell.

"Alex, Kate!" Luke shouted when he opened the door.

"I'm the living room" I called back

Luke ran over to me and pulled me into a huge hug.

"I'm so so so sorry Alex, is Sophia okay" Luke said.

"Woah what happened to Sophia" Ashton asked confused.

We were all distracted.

"Someone care to explain?" Ashton said.

"She tried to commit suicide last night Ashton" Kate said looking down.

"Oh my god, are you serious" he said

"Would we lie about this" I said

"That's horrible what happened"

We explained everything to him in great detail, leaving him speechless.

"We need to distract you" Luke said pulling out my hundreds movies from a back shelf.

"Ya" Ashton said starring at Kate and than at me "is she okay?"

"Well she is on life support but she will live" I said smiling.

"Ahh Aladdin, a classic. Let's watch" he said popping the disc into the movie player.

I couldn't help but wish Sophia was there, I couldn't get her off my mind.

I was still grateful that she was alive.
Hey guys I have some exciting news!

I just released an Ashton fanfic called Long way Home! It would mean a lot if you checked it out (shameless self promotion sorry)

Just one more pill 5sos fanfic Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin ( #wattys2015 )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora