Chapter 6. Look what the cat dragged in

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My next 3 classes went pretty well. I stood in front of the class, and recited things about myself. Typical. Lunch came to slowly. Still I hadn't put in the effort to make any type of friends, except for Michael and I don't think he considers me a friend. I figured I would get lunch and just sit in the corner listening to music.

I had gotten the cheese pasta, which by the way didn't look very cheesy at all. I started walking towards a table that no one was sitting at when I felt a warm hand grab on the back of my neck.

"Look what the cat dragged in lady's" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned to see a girl, blonde hair, green eyes, almost 6 feet tall but still wearing heels. There were two girls standing behind her, they pretty much looked the same except they had short brown hair.

"I'm Victoria,  that's Carrie" she said nodding to the left, "And that's Becka" she nodded to the right. Then they started laughing, like an almost evil kind of laugh.

"Hey can you guys like fuck off, don't you have someone else to mess with" I said pushing her hand off me and walking away. She tried to grab me again. I hit her hand lightly.

Next thing I know I'm laying on the ground covered in cheese pasta.

"You little bitch, you can't just walk away from me!" Victoria said itching closer to me. Before I knew it she was kicking me in the stomach.

"Now you learn to listen to me" Victoria said in a stern voice. Soon her other friends joined in. Kicking me from all sides then laughing about it. I felt blood come out of my noes. It's not that they were hitting me hard, it was there stupid shoes.

I didn't know what to do so I just laid there thanking myself for not wearing white today.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Said a voice. It wasn't a girl voice.  I looked at Victoria, she stood frozen looking behind me. Her face almost statue like.

I turned back to see a really tall guy, about 6,4. He had blond hair and it was pushed into an almost perfect quiff. He had blue eyes and a structured face. The guy was wearing a Metallica shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Oh ya, what are you going to do about it. " Victoria said trying almost too hard to sound confident "You can't hit girls."

"I don't need to" the guy said lifting me of the ground.  "Come on, let get you cleaned up"

It was the same guy from before school. The only one who smiled at me.

We started walking out of the cafeteria then straight in to the men's bathroom.

"Thanks for helping me back there" I said well washing my hands and brushing off my shirt.

"No problem, there just bitches they'll leave you alone in a while, if they don't I'll still be there" he paused "My name is Luke, in case you wanted to know" he flashed a smile.

I giggled, "Hi Luke I'm Alex, and as you could probably tell from in there I'm new here" I turned to him.

"That's cool, new is good" he said "there's to much of the same here"

"Well thanks again, but I need to get to my next class" I said trying to sound polite.

"Well then let me walk you" Luke said.

My eyebrows curved inward, and I bit my lip before saying "why are you helping me anyway."

"You are interesting, and I would love to get to know you" Luke said " what class do you have next."

His accent was also very strong. I bit more than Michael's. But his voice was also a little lower.

"Um I have PT" I said looking at the paper that told me were to go. Jessica kind of left me after my third class, so I had no clue where I was going.

Luke smirked "I have the next as well,  let's get going" and with that he walked out of the bathroom.

Just one more pill 5sos fanfic Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin ( #wattys2015 )Where stories live. Discover now