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Two weeks had passed from the day Zack made a scene and Daniel found himself taking a liking in their new school same as Mira but Zack was still irritated at someone who looking at his lover with eyes full of lust.

If only he could punch them, he didn't care whether it was a female or a male, he just needed to teach them a lesson.

But, Daniel would scold him if he used his strength to others.

They promised each other to use their strength to protect and help people who needed yet Zack broke the promise.

He couldn't help it since he was overprotective towards Daniel since they were young.

Honestly speaking, Daniel was the one who was the real troublemaker. Anywhere they went, there must be some thugs to flirt or even worse touch him. Unlike Mira, she could defend herself and run but Daniel just thought they wanted some bits of help since the bastards put such a facade.

Daniel also didn't want to hurt them with his strength because he knew it will hurt a lot so, he always tries to solve any problem by talking first.

Since Daniel was very oblivious, Zack and Mira taught him that the world was not a safe place and he needed to take care of himself more but it was backfired when he said something with such an innocent face.

"To me, whenever you guys go, it's a safe place for me and if we get any troubles, we have each other back right!" He smiled brightly. They just clinched their heart mentally and vowed they will protect him.


"Oh, it's Daniel." Jace waved at him as Zack instantly glared.

"Hi, Jace!" Zack went in front of Daniel and made himself looked tougher.

"Don't mind about him." Jace nodded.

"Why you called me though?"

"Vasco actually want to say something." He glanced at his leader as he jolted up and looked at Jace who shrugging.

"I'm sorry for punching you without talking first." Vasco sincerely apologised as Zack retorted. "You should apologise to Daniel not me since you're the one who suddenly touched him without his permission."

His eyes widened and immediately bowed at a perfect angle. "I'm so sorry Daniel! I shouldn't touch you." Daniel smiled slightly. "It's okay, everyone makes mistakes."

"You're so kind!" Vasco tried to hug Daniel but was blocked by Zack.

"Please keep your hands away from Daniel." Zack stated with a venom tone as he and Daniel went to their class back, leaving the two in confusion.

They then saw Mira raising her eyebrows. "Where did you two go?" And Zack started giving her explanations. "The bastards called us to apologise but that punk still has the nerves to touch Daniel."

"Language, Zack." Daniel pinched him as Zack pouted.

"Umm..." They saw Zoe was coming towards them with hesitation. "Danny, are you dating Zack?"

"Are we that obvious?" Daniel rubbed his nape and laughed nervously.

Zoe nodded and Zack smirked at her as he held Daniel's waist with his left hand. "Now, you know who Daniel belong. I hope you don't disturb us anymore." Zoe was embarrassed since she didn't know that Daniel aka her crush was gay.

"You are uncomfortable with us, aren't you? Don't worry we won't interfere anything with you." Daniel gave her a sad smile.

"No! I want still to be friends with you guys! It's your choice who you wanted to be so, don't mind me. I just want friends."

"Aww, you're the purest person I ever know! Thank you for accepting us, Zoe." Daniel released himself from Zack as he hugged the female who was flustered by his action.

Zack clicked his tongue but at least one had down; he smirked at that. Now, he wondered how he could make the other two give up.

Mira knew what Zack thinking so, she smacked his head as the male glared at her but she just gave a look 'I know what you're thinking'.

"Hey, give Daniel a chance to make new friends. He seems happy recently." Zack couldn't say anything as he groaned.

"Guys! Zoe and I have a great idea. How about we go on a trip together?" Daniel excitedly asked and used his puppy eyes at his best friends and they nodded. They couldn't say no with those puppy eyes.

Zoe and Daniel bumped fists as Daniel thought that he should ask his new friends too.

Then, Daniel felt a light touch on his shoulder as he saw a blondie appear behind him and tilted his head cutely. "What's wrong, Jay?" Jay blushed as he answered using his own language.


"Oh! Do you want to join us too? Of course, you can!." Daniel smiled brightly and Zack frowned.


"No, it's okay. More people the merrier!"

Jay smiled as Daniel gave him, his contact so, he could tell Jay about the trip.

"Wow, Daniel literally could pull everyone and dominant the world if he wants with his charms." Zoe was impressed as Mira nodded, agreeing with her.

When Zack saw the blond blushed, he immediately tried to control himself to not punch the male.

Give Daniel a chance to make new friends. He seems happy recently

He remembered clearly what Mira said to him earlier. But, if the male crossed the line, he should know the consequences.

Zack sighed, now there is three male who has a crush on his boyfriend. He knew Daniel was oblivious but to this extent, he should be thinking to teach him again.

He shook his head in defeat, he was thinking maybe it was Daniel's charms even he had pulled into it.

It suddenly made him proud since he was Daniel's first for everything. They couldn't beat him for that. And he never gonna gave anyone a chance to make a move on him.

Daniel laughed when Zoe made a joke and it honestly made Zack cracked a smile.

He was pleased that they chose this school. But, still has predators to make a move on his Daniel. Clicking his tongue, he might prepare for a war at this point.

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