Game Day

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter


What are Lucille and Kelsi planning?


The next day Troy gets up early to get ready for the game.

He had hoped to invite Gabriella for the game but that was clearly not happening.

He checked his phone and found a message from Kelsi saying that she was bringing him a surprise at the game. Normally Troy would have questioned her but right now he didn't feel like himself.

Troy was stressed out because he had been worried about his performance at the game after his disastrous practice sessions during the week. He seemed to have lost his ability to play ball following the fallout with Gabriella.

He didn't want to give his team more reasons to doubt him, so he had chosen to avoid going to practices.

Troy decided that he needed to do his best to get into the zone if he wanted to give a halfway decent performance. He had decided to avoid any unnecessary conversation with his teammates.

He honestly was most nervous about having to face Chad who he hadn't seen since the day he had ended their friendship. Troy's new schedule with the AP classes and the call back rehearsals had left him with little to no time at all.

Having to face his other teammates for the first time since they had ambushed him was also stressing Troy out.

The Wildcats captain tried his best to calm himself before he ended up having a panic attack early in the morning.


After getting ready Troy sauntered down for breakfast even though he had very little appetite.

One look on his parents' face told Troy that they had talked to Kelsi about what had happened the day before.

Troy ignored their worried looks as he made himself some cereal. He ate less than usual, but neither one of his parents commented on it.

Troy was mostly surprised by the silence from his father.

Usually whenever the Wildcats had a game, Jack would be in coach mode from the moment he woke up.

Jack drove Troy to school like he had for the past few days. Troy plugged in his earphones and listened to music to try to keep himself calm.


The day at school went as usual for Troy.

He went to the rooftop garden during lunch like he always did before important games.

He needed to calm his nerves and get into the zone to ensure that he gave his best performance, or he risked letting his team down.


The Wildcats had one last practice session before the game and the team finally got to see their captain.

Troy had managed to get into the zone and he was finally able to make every basket.

Jack was surprised to see Troy playing like he normally did because the coach in him had been worried about his performance.

He had seen all the practice sessions Troy had done at home where he wouldn't even be able to make a simple basket.

When he managed to catch a glimpse of his star player, Jack noticed that his eyes looked empty and devoid of all emotion.

Jack realised that Troy was locking away his emotions so that it wouldn't affect his performance in the big game.

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