The Callback

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Hey guys

Hope you like the last chapter

PS: I have uploaded the link for the Troyella callback performance so you guys can enjoy that and imagine the slight changes that I have made in this story


What will happen at the callback?


It was finally the day of the callback.

Gabriella hadn't started talking to Troy yet, so Kelsi was praying that she would show up for the callback.


Troy had talked to his mother and switched to AP classes to avoid having to see his teammates too often.

Troy had the grades to switch but he hadn't before because he didn't want to leave his friends behind. Now, Troy just didn't care about what those backstabbers thought.

Troy actually liked learning new things in school, so he enjoyed sitting in the AP classes.


Gabriella was shocked for a moment on seeing Troy in her AP classes, but she soon remembered that he had the grades to make the switch.

She knew that Troy had stayed in the regular classes because he didn't want his friends to feel like he was abandoning them.

Gabriella now realised how much Troy's friends had hurt him. Troy had been hurt so much that he had gone to the extent of switching his classes to avoid them.

She had noticed that Troy also never sat with his teammates at lunch anymore.

In fact, it was like Troy was avoiding the cafeteria for some reason.

She then remembered the day Troy had shown up at her balcony and said that he'd be doing the callbacks. She wondered if he was using his lunch time to practise with Kelsi.

Gabriella missed spending time with Kelsi, but she couldn't bring herself to go meet her because it reminded her of the callbacks.

The callbacks were still a sore subject for her because it reminded her of the hurtful things Troy had said about her.

Gabriella was still confused about whether she wanted to forgive Troy but decided to at least go and watch Troy perform.


It was finally time for the callback and Sharpay and Ryan were confident about winning the lead roles.

The twins had noticed the lack of communication between their rivals and had also heard from the basketball team that Troy wasn't doing the callback.

Sharpay may like Troy for his popularity, but he was messing with the status quo and that was not okay with her.

She started getting ready for their performance with Ryan determined to make the other pair look bad so that they would never even think about auditioning ever again.

Miss Darbus would be impressed by the Evans twins once again.


Troy just had some time left before his performance and he was doing his best to hide from Sharpay and Ryan.

According to Kelsi, Ryan wasn't evil like his twin sister, but he always did whatever Sharpay told him to, so Troy wasn't taking any chances.

He was already risking public humiliation and he didn't need Sharpay to make it worse for him.

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