chapter 1: "captured"

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"Who's that?" Denki asked from where he was sitting on the counter top of the bar. The leage of Villains just got back and were restraining a blonde haired boy around denkis age to a chair. The boy was unconscious so it was very easy for them.

"None of your business idiot. Why are you here? Wheres doc?" Shigaraki asked.

Denki shrugged. "Don't know. Don't remember." He was glad he was in a tamed state right now and not glitching from reality like he was. He just had to desperately keep calm which wasn't hard because of the drugs in his system docter Tsubasa gave him.

Toga came and sat on the counter top across from him. "Wanna play patty cake!?"

"Yeah!!" Denki said. They started playing.

"Toga he's not a fucking person! He's a weapon not a playdate. Plud both of you are teenagers. At least play an age appropriate game." Shigaraki said while rollong his eyes.

Denki stopped abruptly and burst out laughing when he looked at Shigaraki.

"What?" Shigaraki dared. "Whats so funny?"

"You have pink hair!!" Denki said. He burst out laughing like a maniac again and actually fell off the counter but didn't notice as he was laughing to hard. Everyone looked at Shigaraki. His hair didn't change at all.

"...that kid needs serious mental help..." dabi commented. He only met denki twice and already he could tell how bad the kid was messed up in the head.

"Not our concern." Shigaraki stated.

Dabi frowed his eyebrows but shut up. He continued to watch the kid the rest of the evening closely. He was definitely more concerned with every passing minute.

"Ugh..." bakugo groaned. He was waking up. He lifted his head back without really thinking first. His eyes slowly fluttered open but he was met with bright yellow eyes staring right at him from not even a foot away.

Bakugo yelled out of suprise and tryed to kick denki back but realized he was restrained. Denki tryed to hold back his laughter but couldn't for the most part. He sounded half insane. Which he was because the drugs were wearing off.

"Denki! Get away from him, you're freaking him out." Shigaraki ordered. Denki wined and jumped off the chair he was standing on to hover over the other boy creepily.

Bakugos eyes landed on Shigaraki. Bakugo could only look at him with disgust and unease.

"Sorry about him... he's a little..." shigaraki started. Denki twitched, glitched, then lightning bolted behind Shigaraki, peeking around him. Denkis look in his eyes was identical to togas. Drenched with curiosity, with insanity laceing them. "Different.." shigaraki finnished.

Bakugo glanced at denki. Denki tilted his head at the boy. He never met another boy his age. Or with similar hair color to him. He wanted to get to know the boy. He was determined to do it too.

"So... you're probably wondering why we brought you here." Shigaraki started.

"Because you kidnapped him?" Denki asked.

"I dont know..." toga joined. "It does seem like somein fishy goin on here. Did we invite him?" Toga asked.

Dabi chuckled. "Did you crusty? Is that why you kidnapped him and only him? We having a tea party?" Dabi asked.

"Oh! I always wanted to try tea!!!" Denki said jumping from excitement.

"Will you imbeciles shut up!? No, i didn't invite him here!" Shigaraki yelled.

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