18- Ice-skating time baybeeeee

Start from the beginning

Sugaya then speaks up "So is no one gonna talk about how the fuck Okajima hasn't even said one horny statement?" Everyone freezes and sees Okajima looking down. Mimura walks up "Okajima what's up" As he walks up, he sees Okajima reading porn manga that he had. Mimura shouts "AAAAAAAA WHAT THE FUCK OKAJIMA NO WONDER YOU'RE SO QUIET EW YOU'RE EVEN DROOLING!!!" Sugaya laughs and takes his manga and throws it far. Okajima shouts "SUGAYA WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" Sugaya pushes him to the ice and shouts "WE CAME TO SKATE, NOT TO GET HORNY!" Okajima yells "AAAA I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SKATE!" And he keeps falling down. He then sees Kataoka, Okano, Yada, Kurahashi, and Yada helping Korosensei and shouts "Hey ladies! Mind helping this poor man out?!" They all look at him with disgust. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT I REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO SKATE!" Kataoka states "Then get Sugaya to help you." Okajima yells "WAAAAAA YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!" Later Sugaya helps Okajima and they skate together.

Meanwhile still in the back Karma says with a devilish face "Welp I'm going out to skate around and see who to mess." Nagisa says "Wow... so thoughtful.." Karma states "Actually hey Okuda wanna join me?" Kayano looks worried and states "Uh Okuda I'm not sure if that's a good idea to j-" Okuda goes to him and says "Sure that's fine!" Both Nagisa and Kayano shout in their minds 'HOW CAN YOU TRUST HIM SO EASILY!!' Nagisa shouts "WAIT KARMA CAN'T YOU AT LEAST TEACH ME HOW TO SKATE?!" Karma shouts "It's cool besides there's someone else there who can help instead!" Nagisa looks over and sees Kayano. He asks with a somewhat sad face "Can you help me please? Sorry to ask you this." Kayano gets surprised for a second but gains her composure back and says "Sure thing! Let's go!" She grabs his hand to take him to the ice and helps him.

Sugino and Kimura go to Kanzaki to ask for help to learn how to ice skate. Sugino asks "Kanzaki you mind if you help me learn how to skate?" Kimura asks the same thing, which sort of gets Sugino upset Still Kanzaki replies "Sure let's go ahead." Sugino screams "YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!" He keeps shouting and Kimura just follows what to do from Kanzaki while Sugino is still unaware they're currently teaching without him right now.

Fuwa, Hara, and Takebayashi skate around with each other and in Mimura's eyes, they looked so awesome. He shouts at them "PLEASE TEACH ME YOU THREE!!!!" Hara was about to accept but Fuwa and Takebayashi interrupts as they both state "On one condition!" Mimura groans and asks what. Fuwa states "You have to visit me and Takebayashi and watch a good anime with us!" Takebayashi states after her "We will spend the whole day cruising through. We'll probably watch Demon Slayer or whatever!" Mimura screams "DAAAAAMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In the end Mimura agrees to the condition and Hara is still confused what they were talking about. Hara steps and and states "I don't know what you said that had Mimura screaming so I think for now I should teach him just for the start to be safe..." Mimura replies "Thank you"

Isogai and Maehara skate together while doing a bit of stunts. Maehara speaks up "I see we're still as cool as ice huh." Isogai responds "You really didn't have to say such a dumb ice joke but yeah it seems we still got the hang of it." They look over and see Kataoka, Okano, Kurahashi, Nakamura, and Yada teaching Korosensei and decided to join them. Isogai asks them "Hey guys. So how's it going with Korosensei?" Kataoka responds "It looks like he's got the hang of it. Ok Korosensei you ready?" Korosensei replies "I'm ready as I'll ever be. Now then children. Watch this imperial prince of the fate of the eternal wind elegantly cruise through this floor of ice!" He skates and performs nice tricks as he skates thanks to his tentacles and speed, and that he's able to get the hang of skating on the ice, he hasn't slipped. They all clap and Yada states "You did it Korosensei!!" Kurahashi jumps while shouting "Yes!! We officially taught him to skate!!" When she lands she slips and falls "Ow. Heh I forgot I was on the ice." Nakamura laughs and Maehara states. "So. Any ladies wanna go skate with me?" Kataoka says to herself "Here we go again." Maehara drags Okano to skate and she tries to get away. "Maehara let go!" Maehara cries "Come on just for a while!" They keep fighting back until they both fall. Nakamura laughs harder and Isogai and Kataoka say to themselves 'Same as usual I see.'

Nakamura looks over and see Chiba and Hayami skating together and she tries to get closer. Chiba says "You learned pretty fast for a beginner. Respect." Hayami smiles and replies "Thanks." Nakamura comes in and asks "So how's it going?" They both greet her and Hayami asks "So did Korosensei survive?" Nakamura replies "Eh he slipped a few times but he did it. And he's doing really good." She points to where he's skating and they both look with surprise. Chiba responds "Wow I guess he's a quick learner too. So what's up anyways?" Nakamura says "Oooh nothiiiing" She pushes them to get and they fall on each other. "Ok byeeeee!" She skates away. The snipers both shout and Chiba yells "DAMMIT NAKAMURA!!!"

Karma and Okuda skate together and he says "Wow 'I'm not exactly that good at it' my ass you look pretty experienced." Okuda chuckles and replies "I really like ice skating but it's not really something I wanna show off about." They both see Nagisa and Kayano come to them. Karma asks "So Kayano had fun teaching Nagisa?" Kayano replies "He's learning now and he's picking it up a bit quick." Nagisa responds "Uh I still fall a lot, but I guess I did get better. Thanks Kayano." She smiles and answers "Anytime!" Nakamura comes with them and asks "So how are my dear friends?" Karma says "I saw what you did with the snipers. Thanks for the laugh." Nakamura chuckles and answers "Yes of course!" Nagisa states "I guess everyone's having fun. That's good." Okuda responds "Yeah I'm glad everyone's enjoying their time." Kayano replies "Uhuh! Even Korosensei managed to learn!" Karma states "Well. I had fun. But now I want in to see if I can mess with some other people. Let's go Nakamura!" Nakamura answers "Hell yeah!" And they both left to mess with more people.

Everyone spent their time together for a while until it was time they left. They regrouped to talk for a while and reminisce on how much fun they had and say goodbye and so they went back home.

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