Chapter 4: Can't Beat Us

Start from the beginning

"You like to get yourself in trouble, don't you?" Dolph asked as he came to stand by me.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I said as I stood up.

Just be careful," Dolph muttered.

"When am I never careful?" I asked with a smile, "Besides, if anything happens you better be out there."

"I will," Dolph assured.

"Thanks, Dolphin," I said with a smile.

"I hate that," Dolph said, shaking his head.

I felt someone's presence behind me and I turned around to see Dean had stopped next to us.

"Hey, Ambrose," Dolph said.

"Hey," Dean turned to me and winked at me, "Hello, Lexi."

I snorted, "Hi, I guess."

Dean smiled at me, "Are you ready for your match tonight?"

I chuckled, "I don't know if you've noticed this by now, but I'm always ready for anything, Mr. Ambrose."

"I wouldn't doubt that at all," Dean said.

A producer walked over, "Lexi, your up."

I looked back over at Dean, "Why don't you watch and learn, cupcake."


I was facing Seth and J and J in the ring and was currently being dominated by Jamie, who was in the ring with me.

Jamie threw me into the corner and came running over. I put my legs up, hitting him in the face.

"Here's Lexi's chance now!" Cole exclaimed.

Instead, Jamie was able to run over and tag Joey in. Joey came running over to me.

I was able to get my feet up again and slam my feet into his face. I got on the middle rope.

Joey ran over and I hit him with a crossbody before laying down, trying to catch my breath.

"Come on, Joey!" Seth screamed.

I crawled over to the ropes to help myself up before looking back at Joey, who was also getting to his feet.

Ok, I thought as I stalked Joey.

Joey got up and I ran over, causing him to stumble with my clothesline. I hit him with one more, causing him to fall on the ground.

I waved my hands up, trying to get the fans pumped up.

I turned back to Joey, who was sitting in the corner. I jogged over and nailed Joey in the face with my boot.

"Bam!" Jerry exclaimed.

I looked over at Seth and blew him a kiss with a smile.

"Lexi mocking Seth now," Cole said in amusement.

"Why don't you bring that crap over here!" Seth yelled at me.

I ran over to Joey again and started stomping him in the corner.

"Out of the corner," the ref warned as he backed me up.

"Out of my way!" I yelled before I went right after Joey again.

"Get her out of the corner, ref!" JBL yelled.

"Don't start, John," Cole muttered.

I sighed in frustration when the ref backed me up again.

I looked over and saw Seth distracting the ref as Jamie ran in the ring. I spun around and nailed him in the face before running towards Seth.

Seth ducked my elbow and kicked me in the head with his boot. I stumbled back.

"Can't win fairly," Jerry said disapprovingly.

Joey ran in from behind, but I was able to get my arm around his neck. I used him to be able to lift myself up and nailed my feet into Seth's face.

"Oh!" Cole yelled as Seth fell off the ropes and leaned against the barricade to recover.

Isn't my feet on the ropes and pushed off, nailing Joey with a bull dog.

"What a move!" Cole yelled.

"Guys... that almost looked like a stratusfaction!" Jerry exclaimed as I went for the cover.




The moment I got the three count, Seth ran in and hit me with a curb stomp.

"Oh come on! This match is over!" Jerry yelled.

"Why don't you just stay away!" Seth yelled at me.

He looked up in surprise as Dean came running in out of no where and tackled him.

"Ambrose and company!" Cole yelled as Daniel and Dolph slid in the ring and went after an incoming J and J security.

Dolph clotheslined Joey out of the ring as Daniel drop kicked Jamie out. Seth was able to get away from a crazy Ambrose as he ran up the ramp.

"And like always, Rollins is retreating," Cole said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" JBL asked.

Dolph helped me to my feet as the four of us glared at the three on the ramp.

"The authority has a big problem on their hands," Cole muttered.

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