46 Is Erik Concerned or Does He Just Like Picking Fights?

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When I finally stop laughing and look at Percy, he glowers.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Bently in Elleany?"

"I didn't actually think it was him."

Colton tries to compete with Percy's scowl. "He didn't want us thinking his girlfriend did it."

"You have a girlfriend?" I ask at the same moment Percy says rather emphatically that he does not have a girlfriend.

"Enough." Iris's voice cuts across the room. "Can we please get back to why we wanted to see Erik?"

Percy adjusts his position on the bed, and Iris looks at me.

"What did the Preeminence do to you?"

"A little bit of drugging, some punching, some kicking. He was trying to take his anger at his daughter out on me."

"Sounds healthy," Jonas's voice is as prickly as icicles. Or a porcupine. That sounds scary.

"That explains the Preeminence's less than ecstatic mood." Colton stares into his mug, which I imagine must be empty at this point.

"What can I say? I have that effect on people."

"I know."

There's a knock on the door, and, moving to answer it, Percy slides off the bed. When he opens it, there's a woman with blonde hair with light blue highlights on the other side. I've seen her before but for the life of me can't remember her name which means she must not have made much of an impression on me and can you really blame me if that's why I can't remember a name? It sounds like that would be the other party's fault.

"I heard there was a bit of a commotion," she says. "I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Colton's eyes narrow behind his mug, which I don't know why he's still holding if it's empty.

Percy steps to the side to allow her to enter. "We're fine. Thank you."

"Your concern is appreciated, Elisana." Jonas slides his hand over Iris's, threading his fingers with hers and looks at me. "Iris and I are leaving for Gadfrie tomorrow."

"Just the two of you?"

Iris nods.

"And that's wise after someone tried to kill you?"

"The sooner we convince the Orders to let Jonas retain his title, the sooner we can go home. Whoever wants us dead isn't going to wait for us to be alone. They'll just poison our food."

"I don't think poisoning someone's food is something Amorians here think to do."

Something dark passes across Iris's face. "Regardless, if we leave without confronting the culprit, we may just find ourselves trapped on a ship for two weeks with an assassin."

"But you're going off by yourself?"

Jonas's expression is grim as he holds my gaze. "We've survived people trying to kill us before."

I look away, guilt scratching its way up my throat. "Still why isn't Percy going with you?"

"I'm needed here," my cousin's voice is rough.

"For what purpose?" I step toward him. "Why are you here anyway, Percy?"

"Originally to babysit." Percy's lip curls in a smirk. "But now I'm on cleanup duty after your lady made a mess of things with Acquaellia's Preeminence."

In the span of a breath, I have Percy pinned to the wall, my hand gripping his collar. "Watch where you place blame, cousin."

From where she sits on the floor, Vienna mutters, "Not in front of a guest . . ."

The muscles along Percy's neck flex. "Would you like me to direct it toward you instead?"

"You seem to have a tendency to fix the blame on the wrong people."

He looks down his nose at me. "No, I believe I always point it exactly where it needs to go."

Something in his eyes makes me release him and step back. I turn to Iris and Jonas. "Let the record show I'm against the two of you going off on your own."

Jonas gives me a lazy smile. "So, you'll miss us if we die?"

In this moment I don't know if I want to punch him or grab hold of him. "It would just be a shame if Elleany had to suffer under Colton as Preeminence."

Colton grumbles something I choose not to hear.

"Erik." Iris's voice brooks no room for argument. "The decision has been made. Jonas and I are leaving. Tomorrow."

"Is this because I'm here?"

Colton sets his mug down on the end table, hard. "How do you always find a way to make everything about yourself?"

"Because I'm a narcissist," I retort. Colton's eyes narrow, but he doesn't argue with me.

I cross the room and open the door.

"Are you sure you wish to go out there?" Vienna asks. "The Preeminence was not very happy with you."

I roll my eyes. "Bite me, Vienna. And the Preeminence can go to hell with you for all I care."

I slam the door behind me and count to ten. Only then do I realize I have no idea where I'm supposed to go.

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