Safety Is A Person Not A Place

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Hey, sorry for the radio silence haha, was dealing with stuff going on with flatmates, it's alright now :) 

Another one based vaguely in the Save Me universe but with some changes - Andy and Remington dated a few years ago and have had minimal contact since their break up. Remington is now with Holly (I know I know I hate her too) and is struggling to reach out for help. 

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of depression, eating disorder/weight, abuse, self harm, blood/injury

As part of their new album, Black Veil Brides had asked Palaye Royale's vocalist to feature in a song. It was something the band had been discussing for months, since Andy mentioned knowing Remington through a relationship that was mutually broken off years ago. They had both since moved on, so he figured there'd be no harm in at least asking the singer. Besides, it would be great publicity for Palaye Royale. 

Remington had agreed as soon as he was asked. At least, he agreed as soon as his manager had given him the green light. He remembered Andy and that he was in a band, and was flattered that the man even considered him for the song at all. He would never turn down an opportunity such as this one, and they had both moved on, so there'd be nothing weird about it, surely. He had a girlfriend, Andy had frequent boyfriends, there were no hard feelings. 

His girlfriend was called Holly. It was a fitting name. She was prickly and beautiful, and she was selfish. Remington would never say that to her face, though.

He had learnt better in recent years than to speak badly of her to anyone, because her method of retaliation was to make him shower with her and to watch him draw a blade over his arm. She'd make sure to tell him when it wasn't deep enough, and to hit him when he showed signs of being in pain, and if he tried to resist, she'd take the blade and cut him herself.

He had nearly collapsed more than once because of blood loss, though often, it was down to the weight that he wasn't carrying, and while he was aware of the issues that had, he had gone beyond the point of caring. 

Besides, she liked it when he didn't eat. It was the only time she ever called him a name that wasn't mean, and he needed those times. 

Leaving the house for Black Veil Brides' studio was a thrill. He had been out so few times without her and this time, she didn't want to come, said the company of grown men who wear makeup was enough to send her insane. He chose to ignore her comment and left quietly. She knew where he was going and if she wanted to find him, she could. 

He was met in the lobby by a man he recognised as their drummer, who smiled and said, "Hey, Remington? Good to meet you, man." He held out his hand to shake and noticed Remington take a small step back, close his eyes, open them, and take his hand. 

"You too," he said. He felt guilty for touching another person's hand and he knew Holly wouldn't approve. 

"Our studio is just this way. How was your journey? Traffic's been pretty grim lately for some reason. Lonny thinks it's because of the influx of holiday makers but I don't know. It's a weird time of year to come on holiday to London, if you'd ever go to London for a holiday." 

Remington followed him through the double doors and found himself pulling his sleeves down over his hands. His eyes landed on Andy as soon as they stepped into the studio, and Andy looked up from his phone and gave a smile. It faltered for a moment. "Remington, hey," he greeted, getting off the couch. "Long time, huh? It's good to see you." 

"Yeah, uh, hi," Remington returned, and begun to feel the sensation of warmth running down the inside of his arm. He folded his arms tightly and prayed it would stop bleeding before it seeped through his hoodie. 

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