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In which they have an adopted daughter because it's about time I wrote Remdy as parents, don't ya think?! (Sick fic bitch)

Early in the morning, Remington is woken by a gentle prod to his shoulder. He squints his eyes open and smiles sleepily at Frances, who they adopted when she was just a baby.

"Dad?" She whispers.

"What is it?" Remington asks, followed by a yawn.

"Daddy's being sick."

"He is?" The singer sits up and realises the bed beside him is empty. "Is daddy in the bathroom?"

Frances nods and rubs her eyes.

Remington gets out of bed and ushers her towards the door, saying quietly, "go back to bed, sweetie, I'll make sure he's okay."

"Can I have a drink first?"

"Have some from the bottle by my bed, okay? Don't touch daddy's in case it's contagious." He points to his bottle of water and begins down the hall towards the bathroom, knocking on the door softly and saying, "Andy, love, you okay in there?" From inside, there's a groan and then the flushing of the toilet. Frances walks past to go back to her room and Remington sends her a smile before he knocks again. The door then opens and he tips his head to the side sympathetically. "Come on, love, come to bed," he says, putting his hand to Andy's cheek. "You're burning up."

Andy groans again. "Everything hurts," he complains, closing his eyes and keeling forwards into Remington, who takes him by the shoulders and helps him back to bed.

The younger picks up the bin and leaves it beside the bed before getting back into bed and stroking Andy's hair from his forehead.

In the morning, Remington gets up without waking his husband, emptying the bin, putting in a new bag, and going down to make breakfast for Frances. He then wakes her up and checks she has everything for school while she eats her toast.

"Is daddy okay?" She asks while he's emptying the dishwasher.

Remington picks up a plate. "He's just a little sick, he'll be okay. Have you got your literacy homework?"

"Think so."

"Make sure you do, you worked hard on that. You're going round to Lucy's afterschool, yeah?"

"Yeah, we're gonna do some painting!"

Remington smiles. "That's exciting!"

"I'm gonna paint daddy a picture," she decides, disappearing out of the kitchen to find her little bag and check her homework is there.

"That's very thoughtful."

"It's not here."

"Where did you do it?"


Remington looks through a pile of newspapers on the table. "Go and check your room," he tells her, "be quiet so you don't disturb daddy."

"Poor daddy."

"Poor daddy," Remington agrees, abandoning the dishwasher to look for the homework and smiling to himself when he sees Frances, tip-toing up the stairs. If nothing else, he and Andy can pride themselves on raising a very polite young girl. She comes back down minutes later with the piece of paper, grinning at Remington and waving it at him. "Great," he says brightly, "now let's check you've got everything and then we'll go."

"Oh, I need my P.E kit."

The man continues with the dishwasher. "It's hanging with your coat."

Frances bounds off to find it, entertaining herself with a colouring book until she's called to the front door and handed her shoes to put on. "Is daddy still okay?" She asks as Remington closes the door behind them.

Remdy one shots Where stories live. Discover now