Chapter 27

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'Good News With A Kiss'

Levi didn't hesitate to tell Eren and his family of what had occurred earlier in the day. Each and every one of them were overwhelmed with joy, including Mikasa who wouldn't help but let smiles slip from her lips, turning her head every time her teeth showed. Gisela beamed a wide smile, too, but none were as wide as Eren's. Levi could barely look away from the pretty sight of Eren's smile.

"So, it's an acceptable thing for mer-people to be with humans?" Mikasa asked, using her hair to hide the smile that refused to leave her face. 

"You're in a good mood now, Mikasa," Klaus taunted a little, earning a harsh glare and punch to the arm. He rubbed in in discomfort.

"I think your sailor might remember you, Gisela," Levi mentioned, thinking about that retired pirate and how the stories aligned. Sure, it seemed like a common way for pirates to be returned to land for mer-people, but Levi held a bit of hope.

Gisela's eyes lit up, "Really? Henry remembers me?"

Levi brought his head to her at the mention of the name, "Henry Brown. That's him."

Gisela beamed into another bright smile, appearing like a giddy child, "I want to go find him. I need to. Will it be alright if I call out his name by the wood deck where the boats are?"

"It's called a dock, but yes."

In an instance, Gisela sped off in the water away from the rocks. Mia and Klaus followed shortly after, claiming something about wanting to see what he looks like. It left Levi sat on the flat stone with Eren by his side, out of the water and brushing shoulders with him. Mikasa sat on a rock, only her tail in the water. The sunlight barely hit the area, but the atmosphere made it warm.

"You're really interested in the idea of mer-people being with humans, Mikasa," Eren began to speak up, a certain tone seeping through his words, "why's that?"

"It's just interesting, that's it," Mikasa defended with an annoyed expression. But her stubborn behaviour didn't place a strong enough barrier as Levi and Eren saw straight through the lie.

"Have you been with a pirate, too?" Eren then questioned.

Mikasa scoffed, holding her tail in the same manner a human would hold their knees, "No! But ... I like the idea of it. Legs look cool."

"You have a thing for pirates!" Eren said with laughter, pointing dramatically at his sister.

"Shut up, idiot! You're so annoying!"

"Legs aren't that great," Levi stated, decreasing the level of singer and embarrassment Mikasa felt.

"Guess I'll always want what I can't get," Mikasa said, dismissively.

"Might change now. I bet humans and mer-people will get to live together without the whole hunting thing," ranted Eren with big gestures to express his feelings.

"That would be cool," Mikasa responded with a small smile. She then looked to the two boys, studying their closeness before sighing, "I'm going to go find aunt Gisela. I'd rather not be a third wheel."

In an instance, she jumped from the rock with a splash and swam off. She turned with ease at the corner and swam out of sight from the other two, causing them to look at each other. Levi looked down to Eren's neck, spotting the forming light bruises. He brought a hand to trail along with with his fingers, tapping them gently and feeling Eren's skin grow goosebumps from the touch.

"Does that mean I can see you everyday?" Eren asked, a low voice coming from him. He breathed shakily at the touch against his skin, the gentle pressure on his forming bruises feeling euphoric.

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