𝙻𝚅𝙸𝙸𝙸. 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚊

Start from the beginning

"But she did tell, and got disowned by Abraxas. Does this mean she wanted that?"

Regulus tried to stay calm. He understood that his mother wanted answers but he didn't really want to be the one to give them to her.

"She was unhappy, mum!" Regulus said so loudly that Narcissa was taken back by her son's behaviour. "She was being forced to marry Marcus Flint, for fuck's sake. Up until her wedding day she was determined to go through with it because of duty but had a change of heart at the very last minute. And you know what? I am so glad that she did because otherwise, I don't know what she would have done."

"I know you noticed a change in her after father was taken away. The way Bellatrix treated her, the killer she wanted to turn Violetta into, that all broke her. The thing is that Violetta believes in blood supremacy because that's what we are taught to believe in but she didn't understand the reality of it."

"You should be happy she's gone. At least she's away from this mess. She's safe and the Dark Lord has shown no interest in getting her back by force."

Narcissa swallowed. Regulus has always been the most neutral one of her children ― the one who keeps his opinions to himself.

"It's just weird here, without her. Without you two annoying each other or teasing your brother. It's... it's quiet," Narcissa said. "Lettie has always been the loud one out of all three of you. You might think that Draco is the loudest but...."

"Oh I know, it's Lettie. She's opinionated and talks too much and too loud. She annoys the life out of me and everyone, and she doesn't have a filter. I know it's weird but I rather live my life a little weird than see the world sucking the life out of my sister," said Regulus.

"Was she really so unhappy?" Narcissa asked, her son's words destroying any hopes she had over her daughter's return.

Regulus sighed. "She wasn't happy, that much I know. She was hiding herself while doing awful things which made her question her humanity."

"I-I wanted to help her. I tried, I really did. And I've tried to help you and Draco but they won't let me..." whispered Narcissa with tears escaping her eyes.

"It's okay, mum. We know that," said Regulus and with one sad smile, he turned around to face the open door.

Before he left the room, he took in a deep breath and asked. "Would you have disowned her? Or father?"

Narcissa was taken back by the question ― slightly hurt that her son thought that she might have done that.

"No," she said. "I have had enough disowned family members in my lifetime."

Regulus thought he should ask that again, now revealing that Violetta's love wasn't just a woman but a half-breed.

"It can be difficult with our social placement, but I won't disown my children because of the people they love. And neither would your father. We know people who've been forced to marry someone they did not like. It never ends well," Narcissa continued. "Your father and I love you three too much to let you go for things like these."

"Yeah well, she's gone anyway. Go and eat, mum," Regulus said and left the room.

Narcissa stayed in the study for a little longer. She looked around and her breath got caught in her throat as she kept wondering where her daughter was at the moment. Is she okay? Is she with this woman or is she dead in some alley where rats are eating her remains?

She stood up with shaky legs and walked over to the fireplace. The portrait of her family was no longer hanging there ― it was taken down by Abraxas who said that every bit of Violetta needs to be removed from the manor. The portrait was leaning against the wall, Narcissa's been hiding it from Abraxas. It was covered by a veil but not from one corner where little Violetta's smile was brightening up the room.

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