Chapter four

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Nova's POV

It was Saturday morning and we'll one thing I love about a weekend was the sleep. The fact I get to sleep in. Dad never wakes me up early on a weekend because he knows how much I hate waking up before I want too. But as my door opens and I hear footsteps I know two people who have no issue in ruining my sleep. " wake up nova!" Lizzie squealed shaking me awake and I groaned who let them in. Oh right my father. " no go away" I groaned while I covered my face in a blanket but Scarlett pulled it of my face because Lizzie was the one laughing at the other end of the bed. " come on grumpy pants we gotta get up you're dads made breakfast" and I frowned I don't wanna get up. Usually Scarlett is home with rose but in the rare instance she'd bring rose with her here to spend the day when she wants to irritate my life and wake me up early. And we'll she doesn't have rose this week so how did I not realise this was going to be my Saturday. And the fact I'm spending later at matka's should of been a give away. I had no one to blame but myself. And well Lizzie just loves to annoy me whenever she can because as my god mother says it's her right to. Which I've checked and I find no rule book that states that. " no" I pouted and we'll that usually breaks Scarlett but Lizzie hit me with a pillow " rude!" I said looking at her in utter disbelief but she just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows " big child energy Elizabeth" and she smiled wider at that. Scarlett was just playing with my hair and staring at me it was weird to so I raised an eyebrow at her and she just shook her head softly. " you okay there" I said and she nodded at me and that's when Lizzie said " okay come on now you're dad will get up here and give us all an ear full about how he's slaved away" and that's when I heard dads voice " that's because I have. I'm downstairs cooking while you three lounge in bed." And I smiled " it's the twenty first century father" and he shook his head " no novs we're not doing that whole feminist debate I just said I want cuddles as much as they do but I'm the one who cooked" and I giggled " you've only recently let me sleep in my own bed old man" and he smiled sheepishly he never let me sleep alone at first it was a comfort thing for the both of us and then we just didn't wanna sleep alone. Now I'm older and we'll the old man is cramping my style I can't lie.

We headed downstairs after a debate of weather to actually move or not. " I want my pancakes" I said sitting down. Dad made the best pancakes going and well that's why breakfast was so popular. Now usually I wouldn't mind eating and stuffing my face but we're going matka's later and her food is chefs kiss. I don't think you can too her food it's elite. So I don't wanna actually be full because of matka thinks I'm hungry she'll give me more food and we'll has that ever been a bad thing. " novs" Scarlett said and I looked up and nodded " you're birthdays soon" and I smiled wide " yes it is" and I turned to dad " I wanna clarify I knew that" he said now I knew he's so forgetful. I'd never be mad not really but he's terrible. Scarlett and Lizzie were the ones who usually organise my birthday. And we'll my firsts but I've always loved whatever they've all gotten me. I don't like it when anyone gets me something expensive I've been like that since I was a kid but that's where arguments stem from. I've had a lot of arguments with the adults in my life about how I don't wanna be spoiled. But they all have different excuses dads was " if I didn't spoil you you're grammie would kill me and we'll I work for you" and I can never argue with that because there valid excuses now Lizzie's excuse was more of a dismissive excuse " I'm your godmother" and we'll she gives me that face that means try arguing with me I dare you so I don't bother when I get that. And then aunty scar always says " I'm aloud to spoil you if I want to It's my money and I decide who and what I spend it on" and again how do I argue there because there just doing nice things for me but here I am saying now please don't. Out of everyone though aunt scar has always just spoiled me. Like she'll come by and give me a top or some shoes she'd think I'd like. Her excuse is she gets them for herlsef and there too small or she doesn't like them but I know she only says that so I take them.

Now I'm currently trying to find an outfit but when I say I don't have anything to wear I really don't like my minds just gone blank. And then aunty scar walked in " hey kiddo what you doing in here" and I smiled " dunno what to wear aunty scar" and she sighed and walked towards me focusing on my clothes " erm well how about this shirt with this long sleeve Uber and these jeans" she said pulling these clothes out and well I dunno how I didn't put this together. Like where did this outfit coke from please. " actually yeh" I said and she smiled proud of herself for making an outfit I'd actually wear. " okay you get changed sweet girl and I'll see you downstairs" she said and I smiled I love dhwne she'd call me that. I dunno I love little nicknames like that it means a lot. I remember the first time she called me that. Dad was at work and she was watching me for the day it was one of the first times she was actually watching me and well I fell down and sprained my ankle but she'd taken me to the emergency room and stayed with me. She just held me because that was the first time I'd been back in a hospital since coming to live with my dad and well they just brang back those old memories. I hated it but she held me and she said " it's gonna be okay my sweet girl" ans every time she's Calle done that just like the first time it warms me and makes me feel safe. Like I know she really loves me when she says that.


Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
And get a good nights rest

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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