It's just me and Vee.

Opening the library door, I find her sat on the couch with an iced coffee and a book in hand. I know she notices me but she doesn't acknowledge my existence until I pull her book away from her face.

"You took your time." She smirks, placing the book down on the coffee table.

"Shut up." I scrunch my nose and her and she does the same back.

I still can't get over how damn pretty she is.

"I had another dream." My eyes widen a fraction and I lean back on the incredibly comfy couch, waiting for her to elaborate further.

"I finally saw his face." My breath hitches, while she keeps her eyes locked on the coffee in her hand, "Does the name Bella mean anything to you, or Spencer?" I frown, goosebumps rising on my skin. For some reason they seem familiar to me, I just don't know why.

"I feel like I've heard them before, they seem familiar." It could mean nothing though, they're names, loads of people have names.

A look crosses her face and I just now she's going to stop beating around the bush. "I saw you Matteo, you're the guy but I didn't call you Matteo. I called you Spencer and you called me Bella." I freeze, what the fuck has been going on in this woman's dreams?

"I know it could just be a dream but I don't think so. It felt too real. Like everything has already happened. In dreams I usually make my own choices, even if they are wacky and don't make sense. But it felt like I was reliving something not experiencing it for the first time."

Subconsciously, my hand brushes the back of my neck, just at the end of my hair line, where a tattoo that I don't ever remember getting lies. It looks kind of like butterfly and it's tiny. I didn't even notice it, my brother was the one who found it. There's an S connected to a B and together they look like a little butterfly. It's not the worst tattoo I have so I kept it without a cover up.

"Are you sure it was me?" Dumb question.

"One-hundred percent sure." Vee shoots back instantly, without a single thought.

"Can I see the back of your neck?" She looks at me suspiciously but turns around anyway. I gently lift her hair to find an identical tattoo to mine in the exact same position. My thumb rubs the spot and she shivers.

"What is it?" I drop her hair and she spins around.

"We have the same tattoo." Her hand shoots up to feel the spot and I watch her as she slowly pieces things together.

"Can I see yours?" I nod and lower my head for her to see. A shallow gasp slips through her lips as she traces the letters. S and B.

Maybe now we have names to the initials. Spencer and Bella.

"Shit." She curses lowly and I nod. "Pretty much."

"So we knew each other, before we met."

"Seems like it."

"And we got matching tattoos."


"And I've been having dreams about us back then ever since we got here." Vee pauses for a second, "How did we not recognise each other?"

"I don't know. I guess when we both got sober we blocked out the memories, probably to stop us relapsing, or maybe we're just dumb."

That one earns me another eye roll.

"What happened in the last dream? What were we doing?" Valentina stares blankly at me and to the untrained eye she would appear emotionless but the tips of her ears are burning red, a dead giveaway that something happened.

"Oh, uh. Nothing much, just the usual." She shrugs like the shit liar she is.

"The usual?" I raise a brow, I love annoying her.

"Yeah you know, sitting in a park in summer making out."  The last bit gets mumbled so quietly that I almost miss it.

We made out?

Back then I never kissed girls, even if I was fucking them, it felt to intimate. So me making out with her is odd behaviour. And I was never in a relationship, never have been. I used to barely be able to tolerate myself, let alone other people and I couldn't understand why anyone would want to willingly hang out with me.

Until I guess, I met her.

I wonder if we ever- no. I mean? No, we wouldn't have. Would we?

"If you're wondering if we ever slept together, I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine." Vee smirks, raising her glass to take a sip of her coffee with a faraway look in her eyes.

I glance over at her and fold my lips to stop the cocky smile that's breaking out. She's thinking about it.


drink water loves 



𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora