"Here." He said, handing me a pill and a glass of water. "What is this for?" I asked. "The pain." He said. I nodded and took the pill. "Can you hand me that lap top?" I asked. He nodded and handed it to me. "Get some sleep, I love- Don't stay up to late." He said. I sighed and he left the room.

I know it isn't my fault that this happened, but I still felt bad that I didn't remember a thing.

I opened the lap top and stared at the wallpaper. "Wow." I said. It looked like this was taken maybe four or five years ago. I looked at the pictures and saw there were a lot with the same people who were all at the hospital. I clicked on an album title 'Hayes Bae' and I laughed to myself because of the name.

I looked to see tons of pictures. I went to the first picture ever and started laughing really hard. "Hayes." I called. He walked in and I patted the spot next to me. He sat beside me and looked at the lap top screen before laughing. "I remember that day perfectly." He chuckled.

"Can you tell me about it?" I asked. He nodded his head and all of my attention went to him. "We were in California and we had snuck out of our hotel room to go see a midnight movie. When we went outside, you saw this ladder that was leaned up against the wall, so you being Kaye decided it was a good idea to climb it. After you had convinced me to climb up there, we played around on the roof. There was a guy up there and you tried making a run for it, but it didn't work out. And the guy actually ended up taking this picture." He chucked.

(AN: This wasn't written in the first book by the way)

"This is a cute picture." I laughed. I was on Hayes' back and we were laughing really hard. It wasn't a funny picture, but it was funny to me because of how cute it was. We continued to look at pictures and he continued to tell me the story behind them.

"If only I could remember." I sighed. "You will." He told me. The doctor told me not to get my hopes up, I just wondered if he told Hayes the same. "Will you be okay with me not getting my memory back?" I asked. "Stop thinking like that, you're going to get it back." He said.

I nodded my head, not wanting to hurt his feelings by telling him I'm not going to get my memories back. I came across a video and I clicked on it. "Hayes turn it off or I'll burn your hair off." A small meaner version of me said. "But you look so cute with your all wet." Hayes chuckled. I looked at Hayes as he smiled at the video.

"The boys had thrown you into the pool and you had gotten mad at me for not helping you." He said. "I got mad a lot didn't I?" I laughed noticing most of the stories he had told I was mad. "Yeah, but you could blame you." He shrugged.

(AN: Throwback to bitchy Kaye)

"Hayes, what is this?" I asked holding up a bracelet. "Where did you get that?" He asked. "I don't know.." I sighed. "Where did it come from?" He asked. "I woke up this morning and it was on my wrist, I figured you put it there." I said. He shook his head confused as to how I ended up with the bracelet.

"That was our friendship bracelet we bought in Cali." He said. He got up and grabbed a box. He sat back down and opened it. "They were kept in here so I don't know how you ended up with yours." He said showing me his.

I clicked on a video and it was of Matt and I. "That's a big ass cookie." I laughed in the video. I watched as Matthew and I laughed and we soon kissed. I turned to Hayes in shock. "Okay, why isn't anyone telling me everything why did little me just kiss little Matt? and why was that cookie so big?!" I asked.

"You and Matt dated twice." He said and my mouth slightly opened. "Does he love me like you love me?" I asked. "I don't know, he could." He said. "Who else have a dated?" I asked. "No one else that I know of." He said. "Why did Matt and I break up?" I asked.

"He cheated on you with bobby." He said. "Oh." I said, my eyes saddening. Matthew didn't seem like the type to cheat on someone. "Have you ever cheated on me?" I asked. He looked away and I sighed for a second time. "It doesn't matter, I can't be hurt by something I don't remember." I mumbled shutting the lap top.

"I was a fourteen year old boy you didn't know what he wanted. I was a kid Kaye. It meant nothing at the time." He said. "But then you ended up dating her?" I asked. "Yes but that's only because I still had somewhat feelings and you went back to Matthew like always, jut like you're going to now." He snapped and stood up.

"Why do you say that? I'm guessing you guys don't get along because you're jealous of him huh?" I asked. "Just go to sleep and maybe you'll wake up with your memory." He snapped. He left the room, slamming the door behind him.

I laid down and tried to keep my mind off of everything, which wasn't hard seeing that I didn't have much to keep off my mind.


Prediction on what you think is going to happen!:

QOTD: Who is your fave famous person(s)

Mine is of course JB but omg Kendall Jenner she's actually my mom in case you guys didn't know.

If you don't like her goodbye lil weirdo haha

And Of course Daddy Matty is also my fave((((((((: Obvi lol

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