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"Wow, they're going to be two soon." Cameron said, picking Alex up as soon as he was in reach.

"Time goes by fast."


• Hayes POV •

"But seriously man, when do you want to do this?" Taylor asked me. "Really soon, I just think so much is going on right now so it's not the right time." I said. "Yeah, I understand." He nodded. "I want to make it special, something she won't ever forget." I said. "Well, I'll help." He said. "Thanks man." I smiled.

We walked back over to everyone else and we all decided to head back home. "Okay Bobby, that's what you always say." I heard. I looked to see Matthew on the phone. I turned back around, not wanting to be nosy and continued talking to Taylor.

When we got to the car, I got in the passengers seat and Taylor got in the drivers seat. "Hayes, get in the back." Callie told me. "Why would I do that?" I asked. "This is my car also and I want to sit in the front." She said. "Um, okay?" I chuckled and closed the door.
It was just a seat, she could sit in the back. Matthew got in the car and Taylor started driving.

"So are you going to propose to Kaye the right way?" Callie asked. "That was a joke, why wouldn't I propose the right way?" I asked. "You're not romantic, you're still a kid in my eyes." She said. "You're still a garbage can in my eyes." I said and Matthew chuckled. "Okay man stop, that's still my girlfriend." Taylor said. I nodded and looked down at my phone.

"Do you think you're ready to get married?" Matthew asked me and I nodded. Callie scoffed and I turned to face her. "What Callie?" I asked. I wanted to know how she really felt. "Marriage is serious and I don't think you guys are serious." She said. "Oh really?" I asked. "Just because you guys have kids doesn't mean you're ready, I'm just looking out for Kaye." She said.

I turned back around, not responding. "She's right Hayes, maybe you should think about it a little more." Taylor said. "You were just telling me how you would help." I said. "Yeah because I'm your friend." He said. "Take it from me Hayes, I rushed things and got married. Now look at me and bobby." Matthew said. "You got married?!" We all yelled. "Surprise." He chuckled. I didn't want to end up like Matthew and Bobby, but I know I want to marry Kaye and I also know that I'm ready.

When we got home, I walked inside and Kaye wasn't in sight. "Where's Kaye?" I asked Cameron. "She went out with Leo." He said. I nodded and went upstairs to our room. I called Kaye and she answered after two rings. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" She asked. "Just wondering when you're coming home, I just got back." I said.

"Yeah, Leo took me to get your car, but I'm on my way back." She said. "Wait Kaye, you shouldn't be driving my car, that guy could have done something to it." I said. "It's fine Hayes, I got it checked before hand." She said. "Just be careful, I'll see you when you get home." I said. "Bye baby, I love you." She said. "Love you too."

I hung up and went back to the living room. "We'll see you guys later, tell Kaye to call me." Callie said. I didn't respond and everyone else said bye. "Where did Madison and Carter go?" I asked, noticing they weren't here. Matthew shrugged and I sat on the couch.

"Alright, I have to go see Andrea. Call me if anything bad happens." Cameron said and I nodded. They left and I went to go check on the twins. I looked to see they were sleeping and I closed the door, walking to the living room.

"Do you love Kaye?" I asked Matthew. "Of course I do." He said. "No, like are you in love with her?" I asked. He got quiet and shook his head. I didn't know if I should believe him or not, but for me to trust them alone together I had to know. "You make Kaye happy and I want you to be in her life, but I can't trust that you won't try anything." I said.

"You have my word Hayes, I wouldn't do that." He said. I went to say something, but the door opened. Kaye walked in and I smiled. "Hi guys." She smiled softly. She sat on the couch beside me and I looked at her.

"So Drew's funeral is on Sunday." She said. "You okay?" I asked. She shrugged and laid her head on me. "It still hasn't fully sunk in that he's gone and I won't be able to see him again." She said. "It'll get easier, I promise baby." I said. "I know, it's just sad. The last conversation we had was about how he was going to come down and visit and we were going to do all these fun things, but now look." She sighed. I didn't know what to tell her, so I just let her talk and I listened.

"Bobby's flying in tonight, so I'm going to drive to the airport. I'll see you guys later." Matthew said standing up. "Is everything okay?" Kaye asked. "Yeah, nothing you need to worry about." He shrugged. He left the room and soon came back carrying Macy.

"I want a girl." Kaye told me. "I thought you didn't want any girls." I chuckled. "Yeah but now I do." She frowned. "Okay well let's stick to the two we have an then later we can have a girl." I said and she nodded. "Bye guys." Matthew said. We said bye and he walked out.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Kaye asked me. "He'll be alright, he knows how to handle bobby." I said. "He just seems so down Hayes." She said looking at me. "He'll be fine Kaye, stop worrying." I said, "You worry about too many people." She sighed and laid her head on me. "I just want everyone in my life to he okay." She told me.

I stood up and locked the door, then out the alarm on. "Are you hungry?" I asked her. She shook her head and I held out my hand for hers. She got up and grabbed my hand, then I walked her up to our room. I closed the door, spinning her around so that her back was leaned up against it. "I love you okay?" I said. She nodded and kissed me.

I took my clothes off, keeping my boxers on, then I put some shorts on. Kaye got undressed and I laid down, pulling her in the bed with me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead softly. She looked up at me and smiled, before kissing my lips.

She laid her head on my chest and I pulled the covers over us. "What if something happens to you? What will I do then?" She asked. "Stop it Kalyn." I said. "Just hear me out Hayes, you aren't guaranteed tomorrow or the next day or the next day after that, so if you die what do I do?" She asked. "Kalyn, you need to stop." I said. "Benjamin I'm being serious." She said, sitting up.

I glared at her for calling me that and she folded her arms. The alarm started going off and I got out of bed. "Stay here and do not move, I mean it." I told her. "Hayes." She said. "I will be right back." I said. I walked out and took the gun out of the closet. I walked downstairs towards the living and I didn't see anyone.

I heard whispering and I went to the alarm system and saw Carter and Madison. "Okay really?" I asked. They turned around and their eyes widened when they saw the gun. "I know in a little mean to you but chill Hayes." Madison said putting her hands up. I turned the alarm off and put the gun back.

"Who was it?" Kalyn asked appearing. "Why didn't you let me come and get you? That could have been someone else." I said. "Well you put the gun back." She said. We went back downstairs and Carter and Madison were eating. "You forgot the code?" Kaye asked Madison.

Madison looked away and I shook my head. "I'm guessing the twins are heavy sleepers-" Madison stopped when one of the twins started crying. I went to the other room and walked in to see Dallas crying. He he'll up his arms from me and I picked him up, going back downstairs.

Kaye handed him his bottle and we went back to our room. After Dallas had fallen back to sleep, I put him back in his crib. "Hayes." Kaye called. I walked back to the room and laid beside her. "What?" I asked. "Never mind." She shook her head. I nodded and we went to sleep.




QOTD: Favorite movie??

Mine is by far Fast and Furious 7 ATM. I love they move so much, you guys don't even understand.


starting over • book 3 of cdlsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin