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I felt nauseous (cos of car sick) while riding the car this morning. My stomach started to feel numb a few moments later. I wanted to throw up and say something about it but my hubby and mother-in-law didna hear as they were also talking. I also didn't want to disturb them. As I said, my stomach started to feel numb, then my arms and hands started to feel that way. I didn't feel good. I still remained silent, hoping the numbing would go away. Sadly, it didn't fade instead my legs and feet started to feel numb as well. I began to get worried this time. This feeling is new to me. It's like half of my body fell asleep. Huhu! Numbing of feet and hands (calves too) are normal for me especially when I don't sit and sleep right at night. However, stomach numbing not to mention half of my body felt numb is new to me. I suspected a stroke might happen but I didn't know anything much about it. It was quite chilly outside so I wore a jacket. I decided to take it off inside the car hoping it would ease the numbness. Fortunately, it got improved. I guess, I just felt hot that time and I felt uncomfortable with the jacket on. I think I felt like that for 10 minutes. I was terrified I might not be able to walk anymore when I get off the car. Imagine my relief when the numbness was magically gone as soon as we arrived at our destination.

Hmmm, whatever happened to me today?

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2021-2022]Where stories live. Discover now