|39| The Uchiha Boy

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Shisui walked into the hospital with a sad frown present on his face. He just lost his master. Senju Hideyoshi. The man who taught him the body-flicker technique. The man who taught him so many things.

It would have been frowned upon for Shisui, an Uchiha to learn from Hideyoshi, a Senju if it weren't for the fact that Fakagu and Hideyoshi, both clan heads had made peace with each other since the academy.

Hideyoshi was a pacifist. One of the many things Shisui admired about him. The fact that he was gone triggered Shisui enough for him to awaken his Mangekyou, despite him being the fragile age of seven.

"Hideyoshi sensei, what is it to be a shinobi?" He asked a day after Hideyoshi had accepted to be his sensei. The blonde man with brown eyes, a male replica of his sister, turned to him.

"Hm? Well, for starters, it feels awesome." Hideyoshi was a man who would always try and crack a smile on people's faces. "But if we go in-depth then. . .when you are a shinobi you would have to kill, you'll feel pain. Heck, some people define the life of shinobi as they are some tools. . .But-" He gave the Uchiha a kind smile. "-To me, being a shinobi has always been about protecting my loved ones. To keep that will of fire burning. To resolve conflict. To sacrifice for the greater good, for peace."

He chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "Of course, it's okay to have a different opinion. That version of shinobi was something that just sits right with me so I go with it."

Shisui was in the hospital to look for a certain baby. Senju Kiyoshi, his master's daughter.

He had, of course, met her a few times. After hearing that Tsunade is going to be taking care of Kiyoshi. He just had to meet her once more.

"Tsunade-Sama." He greeted as he entered the room. Said woman turned to him, a baby sleeping in her arms, and raised an eyebrow. "Shisui, right? What is it you need?"

Tsunade would have been annoyed if a seven-year-old brat came up to her at such time but she knew how polite and well-mannered Shisui was. She knew because her otouto used to sometimes brag about his little student.

Shisui bowed. "I'm sorry to be a nuisance but can I see Kiyoshi?" Tsunade hummed and nodded. She knew the boy had met her niece a few times. Shisui came up and took the baby in his arms and sat next to the older Senju on the couch.

"Tsunade-Sama, you plan on leaving the village with Kiyoshi, correct?" He decide to ask, smiling as Kiyoshi opened her eyes and stared at him for a while before squealing and trying to reach up to him with her tiny hands. But since her hands were so tiny, they only caught the air.

"Ah, I don't trust anyone in the village to look after her. Especially that elder Danzo." 

Shisui nodded. "I see. . .Can I, Can I still meet her?" Tsunade turned to him and sighed. The idea wouldn't hurt and Kiyoshi might have a friend, even though he's 7 years older. "Sure, after you become chunin that is. But remember this, I won't allow anyone but you to know of my location. Not even the Hokage. Can you promise me that?"

The boy smiled and nodded, satisfied as he leaned closer to the baby who immediately latched on to his hair. She didn't pull it but had a very strong grip on which lessened only when she play with it. "I promise."

And he kept it. A year later, Shisui became chunin and as promised had met up with Tsunade without letting anyone disclose their location. 

Shisui would often meet Kiyoshi and stay with her for an hour or two. Kiyoshi even started looking forward to him coming.

He was her first friend. Her older brother figure. Not like she'll remember though. A few years later, the year she would turn seven. Things would go south.

Senju KiyoshiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon