|38| An unpleasant reunion

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Three days full of construction work—we're ninjas not construction workers damn it!—later, there was a request given to me from Jiji.

Neji and I had gotten back to our daily training and we were in the middle of it when he came. Well, let's rewind a bit.

"Byakugan!" Neji said as he activated the said dojutsu. I don't know why he shouts it when he does it but okay, I don't judge.

I stood in a stance. We decided to warm up with some taijutsu. The day was nice; warm and pleasant with a nice breeze. But the thing with the wind. It held a bad vibe to it. Neji charged at me with his—not so gentle—gentle fist. I punched the ground, breaking it, making him lose his footing. 

I charged at him and tried to kick him but he used his hand to block the hit and flipped backward. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration as did mine but they were furrowed because of annoyance. We had been sparing for, what like ten minutes? But neither of us can land a hit on the other. It always, al-fucking-ways! gets blocked.

"You're not taking this seriously, are you?" He questioned, a frown present on his face. I sighed. "I guess. Neither are you so don't one-way blame it on me." Wood emerged from the ground and made me a little seat to sit at.

"It's just— kind of exhausting you know? We have been working our asses off to fix the damage that the snake caused." I spat the 'snake' with such disgust, even Neji's face converted into a scrunch, even if it was only for a second. "Then there is the hospital and the T&I department had asked to help some times. God, it feels like I'm gonna age 20 years in a week like this!" I groaned at the end and sulked.

Especially since the fact that most of the Chunins and all the Jounins had found out about my promotion through an ANBU. Even though I have not gotten an official promotion, I was considered a chunin.

Neji raised an eyebrow, not even affected by my sulk session. "They have a genin doing all that stuff?"

Right, well nobody but the mentioned people knew I'm a chunin now. I haven't told anyone either, not even Naruto. I do not want to draw attention to myself like that. Also, Sasuke would get in his ultra brooding mood. I do not want to see that.

"Ah, it doesn't matter the rank. It's a 'you're capable, you're doing it' thing right now. And they're still choosing the next Hokage." I hummed.

"I hope they do it soon. The fate of this village won't be good without a leader." Neji said and crossed his arms against his chest. I glared at him making him lean back slightly. "What?" He asked genuinely confused.

I stood up, disposing of the bench as I did, and walked to him. I jabbed a finger on his chest and huffed. "You're talking about the fate and destiny crap again!" I leaned in, staring at his lavender eyes, making them widen and him reel back. "Do you need another beating or something?"

He walked back and stood at arm's length. The Hyuga then cleared his throat and averted his eyes away. "Right. . ." He muttered and looked up, focusing on the birds flying away. His eyes looked at them with softness and fondness. Along with a hint of envy.

Before I could think much of it, I felt a chakra- actually two chakra signatures coming over. I looked back to see Naruto with Jiji. Hm? Jiji must have taken a liking to him and agreed to train him again.

. . . Why are they heading here?

Naruto took off in a run as soon as he saw me, leaving Jiji standing there."Kiyo-Chan! Kiyo-Chan! Ero-Senin said that if I get you to tag along with us to find a woman then he'll teach both of us an awesome Jutsu! So c'mon, c'mon let's go and pack dattebayo!" He looked like a toddler who was about to open his present on his birthday. Oh my god, what a cutie!

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