|38| An unpleasant reunion

Start from the beginning

I looked back at Neji to see him blankly looking—almost deadpanning— at us. Naruto then noticed the Hyugas presence. "Huh? Neji? When did you get here dattebayo?"

"I've been here for the past half hour." He said and sighed, turning to me. "Go ahead. Let's call it a day." 

"Alright, see you later Neji," I said and yelped when Naruto pulled me with him. He only stopped when we were standing in front of Jiji.

"What'cha want?" I questioned. "Ah, you're still in contact with Tsunade, right?" He inquired making my eyes widen. The woman he wants to find is Baa-chan?

"Maybe. Maybe not." I shrugged. No way I'm letting him find her without knowing his intentions. Jiji hummed and eyed me for some moments before sighing. "Okay, I have another question for you then, would you like her to come back to Konoha?"

I blinked and thought about it. Baa-chan coming back to Konoha, huh? It would be nice. If she comes back then so does Shizune Nee-chan. . .and maybe, just maybe she would be able to heal Lee.

"I would," I answered truthfully. Jiji grinned and clasped his hands together "Then it's settled. We're going to get her back!" He turned to Naruto, his grin not flattering. "Go pack your bags and meet me at the gates."

Naruto's grin outshined his as he punched his fist into the air. "Alright!" With that, he ran off to pack his bags. I snorted and body-flickered to the clan compound. I packed my stuff and got a few recent letters I received from Baa-chan before flickering near the gates.

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned at the strange chakra signature I felt. It was familiar somehow. Only this time it felt stronger and . . .unhealthy. Like the person who the signature belongs to is sick with a nasty disease. 

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and walked where Jiji and Naruto stood. "Ready to go?" He questioned but then sweatdropped at seeing Naruto. Honestly, I did the same. "You do realize that we're not going on a trip around the world right?" He asked.

Naruto ignored him and walked ahead with his giant bag which I suspect is filled with ramen. I sighed and dug my hands in my pocket. I felt a paper resting there so I pulled it out. A scratch card.

Almost forgot I bought one. I scratched it off thinking of what I'll do with the money only to see that I lost. I blinked. I blinked again. 

I. . .lost? That's a bad omen. . . 

I never lose. Me losing in these types of things is just as rare as Baa-chan winning in these types of things. An uncertain feeling rumbled in my chest. I ignored it and walked along with Naruto and Jiji.


"Ne, what's this awesome Jutsu you were about to teach us?" I questioned walking on his side. Could it be that blue sphere chakra thingy Jutsu he wanted to teach us? It did show it off once to me. I saw how powerful it was. It was also a Jutsu of Yondaime Hokage.

"Yeah, yeah Ero-Senin! I'm on pins and needles! What's this Jutsu you're going to teach us?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Alright enough with the nickname Ero-Senin. You have no idea how amazing a guy I am do you?" 

"What? Amazingly pervy?" Naruto asked with a deadpan. I noted and gave him a high five while Jiji's temple throbbed. He ran up the bridge to do his oh-so-dramatic introduction again.

I just walked past him with an unamused look while he was in the middle of it, making him sweatdrop.

"So the fact that such a big wit Ero-Senin chose me as his traveling companion must mean something right!? I must be a potential genius in the making, just as I always thought!" Naruto said as both males caught up with me.

"Well the truth is kid, a long time ago Yondaime Hokage used to be a disciple of mine along with your father Kiyoshi," Jiji said and examined Naruto. "You and Yondaime bear such a striking resemblance that it's almost laughable. Sorry but that's the only reason I got for you."

Now that I think about it, Naruto does look like a replica of him.

"So wait, I'm like Yondaime?" Naruto grinned and ran forward, laughing loudly. "That's awesome! If I'm like him that must mean I possess the same level of genius! I'm on my way to Hokage after all!"

Jiji sighed. "The only similarities you share with him is big-headedness and that spiky blonde hair of yours." He said making Naruto slump a bit in disappointment.

"You know," I stared with a sweatdrop. "You guys are very alike." They both snapped their head to me. "ARE NOT!" They shouted together.

I smirked. "Point proven."

"Kiyo-Chan! Don't compare me to this perv!"

"What's that supposed to mean, huh!?"

I sulked as they continued bickering before Baa-Chan's personality took over me and I hit them both upside their heads. "Damare!"



We stopped outside an inn. "Naruto, Kiyoshi." We both turned to him. "We're crashing here tonight." 

"What!? But why? I can still walk!" Naruto protested. I put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down. He turned to me with an eyebrow raised. "I'm lazy. I can't walk so can we just get in?" 

And I was not kidding. This inn had a wonderful bath area. I'm tired from walking so much and going to the bath would be just super.

"A disciple should always obey his master." Jiji scolded him. Naruto huffed. "Look, I just want to learn some Jutsu, okay?" He complained. 

Jiji looked ahead. I followed his line of vision, only to sweatdrop. He's ogling at a woman again. Well, not gonna lie this woman's pretty. Way out of his league—

Did she just— did she just wink at Jiji!? I looked at the two males to see them giggling while Jiji jogged in place. The fuck!? What kind of genjutsu is this?

"Kiyoshi, here's the room key. Keep Naruto out of trouble. Go to your room and have him work on his chakra then go to bed, ok?" he said and blasted in her direction.

"Okay?" I turned to Naruto to see him fuming. I sighed and handed him a swiss roll. He blinked at the sight of it before smiling and eating it. He sighed in content at the first bite.

I snorted at him before pulling him alongside me. We dumped our stuff in the room. I plopped myself on the bed while Naruto sat on the other one.

 After finishing his treat, Naruto started grumbling. Something along the lines of "Starting to think he has no interest in training me at all."

He started summoning Kage bunshin and concentrated on his chakra.

"Ne, Kiyo-Chan, do you know who the lady is we're looking for?" He asked after a few minutes.

I nodded. "We're looking for my aunt."

". . .You're aunt?"

"Uh-huh, Senju Tsunade." 

"Oh, nice." He said and focused on his clones.

I was almost in slumber when I felt the chakra signature again. The familiar yet unhealthy one. 

. . .Why do I feel so— disturbed by that fact?

A knock was heard on the door. I sighed and stood. "I'll get it." I walked to the door and opened it.

As soon as I saw who it was, I froze. My heartbeat escalated and somehow my mouth went dry. Those eyes. I was staring at those eyes. 

"Shisui, who's this?"

"Ah, This is my best friend and cousin! Kiyoshi meet—"

"Senju Kiyoshi." His voice rang. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Uchiha Itachi." It's him. I gripped the handle of the door tight. What is he doing here? That's why the chakra felt familiar. 

"We meet again." His Sharingan blazing eyes stared at me.

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