[Chapter 12: Chaos]

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"Hello?" Allyson said in english as the door had opened.

Felix took her hand, pulled her inside and closed the door. He suddenly hugged her. She could feel him tearing up.

"Hey... What's happening, Lix?" She patted his back.

She looked around. In their living room, Bangchan was in the kitchen with Twice's Sana and Itzy's Lia. On the other side Minho was talking in hushed tones with I.N. and Hyunjin.

Some acknowledged her presence by a nod of their heads and kept on their solemn stance. She could see some of the other boys were scattered around the dorm. Many of them looked like they'd been crying. It felt like a funeral. She wanted to know what was going on.

Once he let her go, she kneeled and let her shoes in the designated place. There were a lot of shoes by the door. More than usual.

As she rised, he took her hand and led her to one of the rooms. He sat on the other bed and she sat by his side, facing him.

The pink haired boy looked up and she hugged him again. She just couldn't bare to look at such a ray of sunshine be sad. Whatever had happened to them, she was ready to throw hands. She was used to speaking in english with him, as she had realised he was really talkative and a true love bug. He was like a little brother to Chan. She had also adopted him as a brother herself. The australian had just texted her out of the blue telling her to come. No context. She'd go anywhere for them. Even if some time had passed and she would hang out with them every time she had a chance, it was always Chan or Minho that reached out to her to join them.

"Did something bad happen? Are you hurt?" She passed a hand through his hair trying to soothe him.

"After everything we've been through together... Woojin quit. He talked with Chan 'bout it. He's going solo... Chan told me to monitor sns if Woojin posted something about us... About our abilities. I don't think he would. He's one of us."

"What?" She didn't knew much about him. He barely talked when she was around.

"How could he do that? We were a family, Ally. I... I think... Will we stay together? What if the Strays fall apart?"

"Lix..." She grabbed his face to look at his eyes an cleaned his tears with her pink sleeve. "There's nothing that can set you apart, okay? Chan wouldn't let you split. And the fans absolutely love you."

He nodded. Ally held him again, caressing his hair. It was heartbreaking to see him that way. She would never leave him. She just couldn't understand how could anyone else do it.

Someone made a noise by the door and both looked up. Bangchan.

"It'll take time, but everything will be okay." He got closer and put a hand on Felix back. He immediately hug his leader "We'll have a meeting early tomorrow. With the boss. We have to figure out choreo, singing, videos, everything."

Without a word, Felix nodded, got up and went to his room. Bangchan touched his back as he passed by.

"I'll take my leave then." Allyson said, but was stopped.


She looked at his eyes and she knew what that confident great leader needed. Almost a year had passed since they first meet, and a little more than four months since the bloody incident.

He stepped and held her hand leading her to sit again. He sat across her. She didn't let go his hand.

"Did someone actually told you why he entered the group? What was his part?"

She looked confused. "He's a vocalist."

"No, not that. His ability." She though for a moment and realized they had never told her. And somehow she had never asked.

"He's complex. When we are close, he nullifies our abilities. When Han burns, he gets close and it's like a fire extinguisher. If Changbin touches someone, he gets close and no-one gets hurt. If Hyunjin is floating, he falls... It is. It was important for us to have him in the group."

"I know you don't like the swearing, but: damn!"

He gave a humourless laugh.

"Minho asked us not to tell you what Woojin's ability did. You could get hurt with him around, and we didn't want that. Do you know why would he ask that?"

"Yeah, in his own weird way he was taking care of me. Another hug?"

They hugged for quite some time before he stepped aside looking at the floor.

Changbin had just entered the room.

"I just wanted to get a shirt. I'll sleep with the boys."

"No, no." Bangchan pushed him into the room as he was going out. "I'll stay with the kids today. Minho will tell you if he needs help with Jisung." He was looking at Allyson. "Stay here, okay? That way we can call you fast if anything happens. You take care of her, Binnie."

And just like that, the wolf left the room, closing the door.

"Can I get my new hoodie now?"

He side smiled and pointed his clothes. "You can pick whichever you want."

"That one, then." She pointed to him. He had a black hoodie on with white text.

"It's not the same."

"I know. Felix said you've been working out. I wanna see." She smirked and after a few seconds, laughed dryly. He half smiled. "Sorry, I just wanted to lift the mood."

He sat on his bed. "Nice try. Everyone is hurting today. Chan said we'll keep on going as we are, but it's hard. You know what he does to our abilities now. There are so many groups that split after 3 years, that lose popularity when one goes."

"How many times do I need to say this? Your fandom is Stay! How could they ever leave you?" She sat by him, on his bed. She opened her arms "A hug?"

"You really are a cuddle bug."

"And you're not?" She mumbled and then spoke in full volume "I guess I am. Can I greet you with a kiss on the cheek as I did in my hometown? Or that's pushing it too far? I love how that makes everyone awkward."

"That's an everyday thing? It isn't only for family?"

"What? Nooo... I'd greet my friends that way, and sometimes when I met somebody new. Sometimes I just can't help myself. "

He was surprised. The cultural differences were huge.

"If I ever took you to meet my family, they would definitely hug and kiss you..." She stopped, thinking on whatever would have to happen for her family to travel and meet her friends. A wedding for example.

Changbin silently took off his hoodie, left it on the side table and hugged her. He had a sleeveless black shirt underneath. Their hearts were racing not exactly for different reasons.

The door opened in a blast.

"Ups! my bad."



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