hanging out for the first time

25 1 0

Lawless pov

Nice to meet you irl Angel-chan~ he just shaked hes head in announcing i never thought he would be  this cute in person (what im going for is that lawless is an complete fangirl)

So what do you want to do? I asked not planning anything, he grabbed my hand traging me out of the ally

He lead me to a studio, umm angel-chan what are we doing hear,
1)d don't call me aNgEl-chan
2) this is my favourite please to go when im stress, he said with a kinda annoyed yet happy ton,

We want insaid it looked like angel knew everyone there he was more of a celebrity in hear then on YouTube we want though after he said hi to everyone  he lead me to a room with a giant wight door 🚪 we want inside the room was brown and it had a grand piano 🎹  licht want right to the piano and started to play

It was Beautiful now I have a better reason to call him angel


Sorry I haven't been posting and this chapter is SuPeR short but I hope you like it probably

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