Trent Malloy

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Character: Trent Malloy 

Situation: Your boyfriend picks you up after work.

~~ ❤️ ~~

Some days at work were okay, some of them were even good. But today it wasn't the case. Your day was awful and stressful, making you wish you could just go home.

As soon as you walked outside the building, a smile appeared on your lips, making you forget all your worries in an instant. Standing by his motorcycle, your boyfriend Trent wave at you.

"Trent!", You exclaimed, running to his arms.

He held you in a big hug. His arms were always able to make you feel at home.

" I came here to pick you up after work." , Trent says and kisses your cheek. "I have a surprise to you."

" A surprise? ", You asked, curious. " Are we going to that restaurant downtown?"

Trent smiled.

" If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

He was right, you thought to yourself as you climbed on his motorcycle without a single worry on your mind.

He was right, you thought to yourself as you climbed on his motorcycle without a single worry on your mind

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