Cordell Walker

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Character: Cordell Walker

Situation: Your boyfriend Cordell picks you up after work.


Somedays your job as a teacher in the local school was simply exhausting. Some kids were reckless and had too much energy, always talking to the other classmates. So, in some of those exhausting days, the best part was going home.

Your boyfriend Cordell usually waits for you outside the school, next to his truck. He smiles as he sees you walking the patio with books in your hands.

"Rough day?", he asks you as you come closer and you kiss his cheek.

"Yeah...", you say. "It was a rough day for sure."

Cordell opens the door as you step inside the truck. He likes to drive you home, even though you have a car.

He opens the car windows and turns on the radio to some old country love song.

"What about dinner tonight?", Cordell asks as he drives. "I could get us some pizza and wine.", and he winks at you.

"What did I do to deserve you?", you say, knowing you have the best boyfriend in the all damn world. 

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