Cordell Walker

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Character: Cordell Walker

Situation: Your boyfriend Cordell goes home wounded after a massive operation with the Texas Rangers.

~~ ❤️ ~~

"Walker!", you exclaimed when your boyfriend got out of his truck.

You were standing on the front porch watching the sun disappearing in the horizon, painting the sky in beautiful orange and pink tones. Every time Walker has an important operation with the Texas Rangers, you get restless, just thinking about all the ways that Walker could get hurt.

And, unfortunately, in that day you were right.

You saw instantly the bruises on his face as he stepped out of the truck. He looked wounded when he walked in the direction of the house. You were already on your feet.

"What happened?", you asked worried, approaching Walker. 

He took a deep breath and tried not to make you worry too much.

"I'm okay.", he assured you. "Just had a rough day."

You knew that Walker almost never speaks about his day, specially about the hard parts of it, but this time you couldn't help but wonder what happened.

You entered the house with him as you both walked to the kitchen. Walker left his hat hanging on the back of the kitchen chair, showing more purple marks on his forehead.

"Let me get you something to clean that.", you said, and disappeared into the  house to look for some cotton and alcohol on the bathroom.

You returned a few moments later. Walker was still on the kitchen drinking a cup of water.

"Let me do it.", you said, as he sat down on the chair again, and you dampen a small piece of cotton in alcohol. "This is going to hurt a little.", you tried to smile at him.

Cordell Walker looked at you with love stamped in his eyes. You were the most sweet and kind woman he had ever met, and he felt so lucky to call you his girlfriend.

"You know something, it really hurts.", Walker said.

"I'm sorry, Walker.", you said. "Is there something I can do to help you?"

Walker seemed to think about it.

"In fact there is.", he declared. "It really hurts here.", he pointed to his cheek. "Maybe you can kiss me?"

You smiled at him.

"Anything for my darling.", you said, kissing tenderly his cheek. "Are you better now?"

"I think it hurts here too...", he said pointing to his other cheek, and you kissed him again softly.

"What about now? Are you feeling any better?"

"A little. But it still hurts.", Walker said. 


"Here.", and he pointed to his lips, making you smile before kissing the man you love.

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