Cordell Walker

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Character: Cordell Walker

Situation: Camping with Walker leads to a scary situation.

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On your holidays Walker took you out of town for some days in the nature. He loved camping so he thought it was a good idea to surprise you with some relaxing days in the middle of mother nature.

Walker was arranging the tent and you were trying to make fire so you both could cook the dinner.

"Is everything okay there?", Walker asked.

"Sure." You said. "I'm still trying to make fire. I guess I'm not that good at camping."

Walker smiled.

"I will go help you in a bit, alright?", he says.

You nodded and kept trying to make fire with some stones. You were so focused on your work that you didn't saw a snake coming closer.

"Walker!", You yelled when you saw the dark green snake next to you. You hated snakes.

Walker ran to you and saw the snake near your feet.

"Don't move.", He says and grabs a stick to move the snake away from you. "There it is. Go away little snake.", he says as the snake disappeared into the bushes.

You jumped into Walker's arms.

"Thank you.", You said kissing his cheek. "I really hate snakes. "

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