Percy Gets Claimed. I Can't Be Claimed

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(Percy; so let me get this straight. After losing our moms, you give us future girlfriends?
DarkWielder: ummmm, yea.
Zari: I love this guy.
DarkWielder; don't say that yet. I'm gonna be putting both of your love lives through the wringer.
Zari: what's the worst you could do?
DarkWielder: hehehehehe. Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough
Percy: *facepalms* you and your big mouth

Disclaimer- Percy: DarkWielder owns nothing but his OCs. Master Rick owns everything else.)

Thalia was waiting for me, sitting on a tree. She smiled, "Heard what you did in the girls' bathroom. Nice to hear that Clarisse girl knocked down a few pegs."
"Well me and Percy have no idea what we're even doing," I said, embarrassed at the compliment. This makes the second time a good-looking girl is talking to me.
"Soooo, what's you're name?" said Thalia.
"My n-name?"
She hopped off the branch she was sitting on and landed in front of me, "Yea. Can't just call Lochead. Also what happened to your hair?"

"My name is Zarion Frost. I and my brother somehow got claimed by two Naiads."
She cocked her head, "What do you mean by 'claim'?"
"You're gonna laugh at this. Ok so somehow someway, these two naiads want me and my brother to be their boyfriends when we're older, like 15. Even though we're ugly"
Her eyes narrowed, "Why?"
"Me and Percy cleaned out some of their friends before, so I guess that makes us Boyfriend material. I think," I said.
"What if you fall for other people?" she said. "They will have to know how to share," I said.
We talked more and I found out she's the reason for the barrier. She, Luke, Annabeth, and Grover was on the run to camp from monsters Hades had sent when she sacrificed herself to save her friends. Her dad turns her into a tree that protects camp with a magical barrier out of pity.
"Looks like you're about to wake up. Bye Zari"

Over the next few days, me and Percy settle in quite nicely. Our teachers may have been nature spirits and a centaur, but we made progress.
Annabeth taught us Ancient Greek every morning. We understood it better than English.
We were trying to find things we were good at through rotating instructors.
Chiron tried teaching us archery, but he ended up with arrows in his tail. He wasn't even mad, which surprised Percy.
Percy was great at swimming and canoeing, but I was below average at it.

We weren't naturally as strong as the Ares kids, or as gifted with our hands like the Hephaestus kids, or great fashion sense like the Aphrodite kids, or, thank the gods, Dionysus's way with vines. We were decent cooks, though. I was musically and artistically gifted and Percy was a marine biology nerd, and we kept both these discoveries to ourselves.

I still don't understand how I turn Green of Purple. I can't do them on command either.
Even though we sucked at what we needed if we want to survive in the mortal world, it was still the fun cause of Cassie and Helen. We spent time with them every day. I hung out with Thalia in my dreams sometimes.
Rumors of us being claimed had spread everywhere and, like Percy and me, no one could understand it.

We still haven't been claimed and it was getting on my nerves and others. People keep complaining that I move and hit them while I sleep.
Percy, I can understand, but my dad has done somethings, so I know he knows I exist, which means he should claim me. He's practically talked to both of us twice. I'd always ask Luke if there was anything We could do to make our parents notice us, but he reminded me some parents just don't care. His dad was Hermes, and it was clear he didn't like him.

Me and Percy had our first sword fight lesson after 3 days of being at Camp Half-Blood. Luke was the teacher. A great one too. First, we slashed and stabbed at straw-stuffed dummies, getting some of the basics down.
The problem was there weren't any swords that felt right to us. Too light, too heavy, or too long. Luke tried his best, but couldn't find the right ones for us.
It was time to pair up and Luke decided that Me and Percy would take turns sparring with him since we were first-timers. That and because everyone else was taken.

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