Creepy Dreams And Morning

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Anyone who says being a half-blood is a terrible curse to bear would be normally right. But that's how normal demigods feel. I'm different. Me being a half-blood is what allows me to deal with the bad things life has put me through when trying to be normal. My demigod life keeps me sane. Unless you're like me, don't read this book. This book is for those who love being a half-blood.









You're still here? Ok, Don't say I didn't warn you










Boy...when the...time is right...your inheritance yours"
Says a raspy voice, a voice that's seen unspeakable things. I look around, seeing nothing but total darkness and Percy, but the voice was coming at me from all sides. We tried to speak to each other, but no words came out.
" are my firstborn...your strength...will come from...your heart. It...will be...your greatest...weapon. Seaspawn...your has with...some of...his power...and...him with...yours. Look at each other, as your bond can save the world."

I woke up with a start. I was sweating like crazy. I looked around, but all I could see was Percy's room and Percy on his bed, not the darkness I'd seen in my dreams. My heart was pounding in my chest. When I say pounding, I mean people a few feet away could hear it if they were in my room. Percy was waking up to the same problem.

"What the hell?" He groaned. He looked and heard me having the same problem.

"One weird-ass dream," said Percy. His sea-green eyes were looking around, probably checking to see everything was in the right place.

Our eyes are weird. Percy's are sea-green with specks of red and mines are red with specks of sea-green. People have commented on our eyes numerous times.

"You too?" I asked, know sometimes, we'd share dreams. Weird ones at that. We think it's because we're blood-bonded. We'd do the ceremony on our birthdays, mine being September 21 and his being August 18, basically twice a year.

(A/N: When two people cut themselves and put their bloodied cuts together, representing the sealing of a bond deeper than brotherhood.)

"Why won't it go away? It doesn't hurt, but it is annoying" muttered Percy, referring to our heartbeats pounding out noise across the room. He just decides to ignore it.

I shrugged and went to the bathroom to wash my face, but when I went to turn the knob on the faucet, I felt a subtle pull in my gut and the water exploded from the faucet before I could touch it. I yanked my hand back. I went back to Percy's room.

He just finished making his bed. I pointed to the bathroom and said "Dude, Something is wrong with the plumbing?"

I had to raise my voice a bit so he could hear me. Our heartbeats were still loudly pounding, filling toe room with lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub noise.

"What?" called a confused Percy. He grabbed our glasses and put them on while handing me mine. He went to the bathroom, me feeling that subtle tug again, came back and said "It stops before I touched the knob. It seems to be working fine now."

We shared a look and shrugged. His room was still filled with the sounds of our Heartbeat, which even weirder, was in sync.

It didn't hurt but was starting to get annoying when we were trying to eat.

We were surprised that Gabe Ugliano, or Smelly Gabe/Gassy Gambler, Percy's asshole of a stepdad didn't wake up. He has the worst smell. Percy and I have tried all our mother's perfume, but nothing works, as the smell overpowers everything.

It doesn't help he's arrogant, egotistical, self-centered, and abusive. We've tried to tell our moms but they always just look at each other, smile, and say we'd understand someday.
Percy and I are neighbors, but my mom is barely home, so I sleep over at his house a lot. His mom is an angel, so it doesn't make sense as to why she'd marry such a monster. My mom is has made death threats to Gabe about me, claiming she "Knows people", so he leaves me alone. She protects Percy when she can by having him come over to my house when she's home sometimes.

Back to the story. We were eating, our heartbeat still pounding in the kitchen.
"We can't go to school with this noise!" said an annoyed Percy. I was having the same thought.

Ugh, I wish it would just stop already I thought while Percy slammed his fists on the table in frustration. I did so as well. Surprisingly, the speaker-level pounding in our fucking rib cages stopped.
We looked at each other and just shrugged. I know going to question shit as long as it stopped. We finished eating and went to school, unaware things about to get so fucking bad. Like indescribably bad. Like I-would-rather-lick-STD-infested-Tattoo-needles bad.

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