my love pt 2.

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after what she had heard this afternoon, Dongkyung couldn't even focus on her work when she got back to the office. all she does is staring emptily at the laptop in front of her. her eyes reflect nothing but emptiness, but her mind surely is running wildly.

Jooik, who notices the difference in her ever since she came back from the hospital assuming that she didn't get the chance to meet her boyfriend, when in fact she chose not to. he doesn't want to bother her, as she looks so disturbed so he just let her be. only when he has something to ask her then she finally snaps back to reality.

when the clock struck exactly at 5, Jooik glances at Dongkyung. "it's 5 o'clock already. you aren't going back home?" he asks. Dongkyung looks up to him from the laptop that she has been staring for hours.

"Oh, right. yes, i'm going now." she says and stands up, picking up her things. "see you tomorrow." she bows a bit to him and walks out of the office.


Dongkyung just finished showering when she hears the doorbell rings. she wonders who is it since she didn't expect anyone to come and visit her today.

is it Aunt? or Sunkyung?

she frowns but walks to the front door anyway. she peeks through the peephole and to her surprise, it's Saram. if it's not because of today's incident, she would probably waste no time to open the door and jump to him to hug him tightly. but now, she finds herself contemplating.

for about half a minute she freezes there, she finally opens the door for him. he smiles very widely seeing the face that he missed a lot and she gives him a small smile too, but he knows her too well to know that there's something going on. his smile fades a little as that wasn't how he expected for her to react when she sees him.

"can i come in?" he inquires as they both just smile at each other. Dongkyung, realizing her mistake now, nods hesitantly. "oh yes, come in." she let him enter the house.

Saram just keeps smiling and walks in. "you didn't say you're going to come. aren't you busy today?" she asks as they walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

"today wasn't as busy as other day so i decided to go back home early." he explains before adding, "plus, i have missed you a lot." he sneaks his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him. she doesn't even flinch though her mind is still doubting.

should i just confront and ask him who that 'girlfriend' is?  she thought.

Saram notices how disturbed she is, as she didn't even respond to his flattery. "why? you look upset. is something troubling you?" he spins her shoulders so she is facing him and he so he could look her in the eyes.

Dongkyung couldn't even makes an eye contact with him. she doesn't know if she should ask him, and if she is ready for the answer. because what if the answer is something that she really doesn't want to hear?

but Dongkyung knows that keeping it to herself won't solve anything. she wants to know the truth, though it might hurts her.

"Dongkyung-ah." Saram calls out for her as she still seems to lost in her thoughts. Dongkyung inhales deeply and finally musters up the courage to look at him in the eyes. And Saram patiently waits for her to say anything.

"do you...have someone else?" her question caught Saram off guard. he is taken aback by what he heard just now. he frowns and looks so confused. what had prompted her to ask him such question?

"someone else? what do you mean by that?" he asks her back. he needs the explanation of what she just asked him.

Dongkyung looks down to her fingers, unable to look him in the eyes anymore. even though it's hard, she has to do it or they both would live in lies and misunderstanding forever. "it's just...this afternoon, i went to the hospital to meet Dr. Jung. then i thought of meeting you as well. you know, because i've missed you a lot. but then..." she halts, sighing for a moment before continuing. "i overheard you talking with the nurses."

Saram couldn't frown even more. he tries to recall about the conversation he had had with the nurses in the hospital. it's not like he talked to only one nurse today. "and what did we talk about that makes you this upset?"

Dongkyung gathers the strength to meet his eyes again. his gaze is so soft and innocent, making her doubt it if he really did what she had thought. "the nurse asked you if you are going to meet your girlfriend and you said yes. you were smiling widely even." she finally told him, voice is as low as possible but he could heard her clearly.

and when she finished, Saram couldn't help it but laughs out loud, making Dongkyung to knit her eyebrows. he is laughing hysterically, as if she just made the funniest stand-up comedy. "what's so funny?" she snaps at him, started to feel annoyed.

he tries his best to stop laughing, and with all his might he finally could completely stop after nearly two minutes of trying. "i'm so sorry. i just find it very funny." he says as he wipes the tear in his left eyes, the result from laughing too hard.

Dongkyung glares at him and crosses her arms. how can he laughed when she's being very serious right now? does he have any idea how hard it was for her to ask him that question?

looking at how he succeed in making Dongkyung even more upset, he bites his lips and sits straight so that they could face each other properly. he takes her hands and hold them gently.

"tomorrow you're free right? then let's go to the hospital." he says with a soft smile. he feels like showing her the truth is better than explaining it to her.

and that makes Dongkyung scoffs. "go to the hospital? why?" she frowns but Saram just widens his smile.

instead of giving her the answer, he kisses her on the forehead. "you'll know later. it's easier to show than to explain." he replies.

show? does he want to show me the girlfriend? but that's so cruel of him...

though mind is full of negative thoughts, she still decided to believe him until everything is clear between them. and so as a good girlfriend she is, and which she hopes she is still his girlfriend, she waits patiently until tomorrow comes.

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