Don't go there.

She refocused and tapped out a reply to Jack's message.

'S - Hey you. It's been information overload! But hopefully that's the boring stuff over with for now. How's your day been? X'

'J - it's been good, great to be around the other boys again. Think I'm getting withdrawals from not seeing ya though! Ha. X'

'S - So, does Gareth have you all on tag then? X'

'J - Nah. He likes to think he does though. You in ya room? Where abouts is it? X'

'S - I'm about to come up, I've been in that conference room for most of the day. I'm room 876, fourth floor. Where are you? X'

'J - Room 1002. 5th floor. Come up when ya done, there's no one about at this time, just use the staff stairs. X'

'S - Maybe I will, maybe I won't 😚 X'

'J - Don't even try to pretend bab. Cya soon 😉 X'

At that point, Sophie quickly put her phone away and made her way to the adjoining hotel, knowing full well where she was going to end up.


With a thump, her mind jumped back into the present moment, eyes still closed and gradually adjusting to her surroundings.

Sophie became aware of him. He was carefully walking over from the other side of the room and appeared to be concentrating heavily.

She smiled to herself, wondering at what point she would grow bored of waking up to him.

'Ahh fok off!'

Drips of hot coffee tumbled down the side of the large mugs and onto his fingers which were gripped around the ceramic. He quickly took a few big strides across the room and placed both cups down next to her on the bedside table.

She gazed up at him, resembling a doe-eyed Disney character.
Jack was running his tongue up and down his thick fingers, licking away the coffee before it became sticky.
He was wearing nothing but snug fitting white underwear, which generously cupped his carved-by-god-himself curvaceous arse.
And the rest, of course.

'What ya thinkin' Soph?' He'd spotted her eyeing him up.

'I'm thinking how glorious you look in those tight whites, Grealish'

'Ya playin' a dangerous game ea...' his voice still slightly gruff, giving away that he'd not long been awake himself.

Jack remained cemented to the spot next to the bedside table, where he had just put down the mugs.
He was right in her line of sight and she could already see his bulge beginning to fill out and expand under the thin material, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination.

'Come back to bed.'

'Ya don't have to tell m'twice'

Jack launched himself over her body and landed solidly next to her, quickly shuffling himself to join her under the plump duvet.

'You were shattered last night, weren't ya?' He quizzed, now laying on his side with one arm holding his head up and the other draped across Sophie's stomach.

'I was..' she fiddled with the messy strands of hair which fell into his face, 'the last thing I remember is nuzzling into your back'

'Now don't ya be telling anyone that I secretly love being the little spoon yeh!!' He sniggered.

'Our secret', The corners of Sophie's mouth started to curl, resembling a dopey smile similar to Jack's.

Immediately, he began to plant soft kisses all over her face, with anyone else this would be horrifically suffocating. But not with him.

Within moments, Jack's underwear had disappeared, lost forever within the bed sheets. Soon enough he was knelt up in between her legs, which she began to wrap around his toned waist.
She start to feel almost desperate for him. Again.

He positioned his elbows at either side of her head, almost in a planking position with his hands firmly entwined in her soft hair.

They were nose to nose with their lips grazing.
Staring into each-others souls.
His chest carefully rested against hers, causing a thin layer of sweat already begin to form between them.

Sophie felt they were both completely and utterly connected in all aspects of the word, as Jack slowly pushed his tip inside her.

He'd not had this feeling in a long time. If at all.
If he had, it was when he was younger and who really understands their feelings and shit properly at that age?

This time, he never looked away when he was fucking Sophie. The eye contact was something he wasn't used to. But he liked it.

It felt like it was more than sex this time.

It was slow. It was intimate. They connected.
He felt every single thing, making a conscious effort to really take his time and to savour this moment. To savour her.

Slowly, he eased himself in and out of her, feeling those wonderful soft internal ridges and curves tense around his dick felt fuckin' amazing.

He'd watched as she unravelled beneath him, gloriously flustered and quietly gasping his name. This was the confirmation he needed and hearing her breathy voice made him fill her up quickly. He shuddered and growled with every twitch until she'd taken everything from him. Every last drop.

He collapsed onto his side, bringing Sophie with him as their limbs remained intertwined.
Their foreheads pressed stickily together as they drifted back down to earth and into a shag induced doze.

Sophie's last thought before she surrendered to the desire to fall back asleep was about the cold coffees which lay untouched next to them.

..And how that when she fondly looked back at this moment in years to come, she would be able to pinpoint the exact moment that she'd fallen completely in love with Jack.

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