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Walking towards the entrance, I took my horse from the stables and rode the all too familiar streets I grew up in, the same park I used to visit during picnics when all I knew was ice cream meant a good day. The same station I landed at when I got in trouble as a boy, the same school I studied medicine.

Hours passed by when the rain suddenly grumbled the skies above, preparing the heavy pour down from the gods ruling the globe below.

As I set my foot down, I heard the loud cries of a child. Below the bush, I saw a dinky baby girl with odd features. It shows the lack of care she was offered, premature; she might not even survive the night.

Back in the mansion, I wrapped her in a small soft quilt. I requested Matilde to leave for a moment. I held the child's hand as I lay her down on my mattress. I called Matilde and gave her money to buy clothing, toys, and milk. Taking a child in by my side wasn't a part of my plans, but I suppose I'm far too good at multitasking to only bother with only one.

Matilde dressed her in blue silks and made sure that her room fit. As days passed, she looked different from when I met her under the bush, covered in grim, abandoned. And so I named her Anarie Crofton. Her new kin.

"My lord, pardon me, but are you certain you want to take her?" The judge prompted that soon erupted in curious eyes and murmurs, in this place, adopting a child whom you don't know? Most of them see it as a curse. Letting a poor innocent life live as we could, but I suppose being a human has its peculiarities.

Only a mad man would embrace such actions! Said one of the juries who stood up protesting that it be made illegal. The audience erupted in chaos as women and men argued. And in my pleasure, the judge, and the witnesses frowned upon his request and escorted him out of the room.

Soon the judge held the stamp and granted my case. Before the day ends, Anarie is now under my custody. She will grow, learning where I lack that led to my condemnation. It is the least I can do.

Towards the church, while I was walking, the bells rang as I prayed under the highest. Though I have died, I still believed in the highest, asking for guidance and answers to everything. And out of the blue, she smiled, handing out envelopes to each newcomer.

"Excuse me," She swooped, her hair moved by the wind. Sir, I have never seen you here before. Perhaps, you'd like to donate? She smiled, politely asking for me to give even a penny to the church program as she offered a piece of an envelope; And so I agreed, guessing that this would be the answer to my puzzles.

I placed a reasonable amount and handed it back, only for her to look perplexed. "Your name? You have to put it at the back." Right there. She pointed as she tapped the envelope with her skin grazing mine for a short moment. But like a fool, as I've always been with her, I suddenly couldn't remember the name I had just recently created.

Though she didn't take notice of it, I was the opposite. I became more aware of the skin I carry. If all of this were in another dimension, I hope all turns out well between us. Picking at myself, I approached Elane in the aisle, contemplating. Will she come with me? Or will she stay?

Such would be far too straightforward, I murmured to her.

And So He Ran.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя