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We went to a shop around the corner, greeted by the scent of freshly baked loaves of bread. It was early in the morning. The sun was only about to shine when Thomas' workers came.

"The usual, sir?" Little Johnny smiled with his pen and paper in his pockets.

"Yes, little Jhonny. I'd like the usual, can you do that for me?" teased, the young boy raised his chin and glanced to the seat beside me. "And for the lady?"

"Bagels, darling. Three Bagels." Swift as a rabbit can be, he walked away towards his father. On the contrary, I directed Elane's eyes through the window where a woman across the street sells charms of crystal stones and brooches. Told her how my mother owns a collection of them, some for luck, protection, and romance. As my blood flows, dutifully into my body, Elane blinked.

"Let's go there, see something we might like." She urges, "You pick mine I pick yours. Then we wear it till the end of time!" I laughed, hearing her imitate a man's voice that is a bit sluggish and deep.

The sun above got brighter illuminating each, and every single item on her stall. I agreed to pick one, to 'Wear it till the end of time'. Silently observing rows of it in various colors and sizes. Except for one, it seems as if it's lost, buried away, behind the others. Riveting, its grandness from its old state, an emerald brooch, wrapped in swirls of gold, sprouting like a tree blossoming from the hills, with small pieces of quartz and a diamond on its left.

"Elysian, it's a brooch from the North. Before the massacre began..." The woman commended, for all the deaths. The destruction inflicted by its inhabitants. And a brooch managed to survive? A chuckle.

The thought of it pulling through in good shape whole reminds me of her. A glimpse of paradise in its beauty alone. A survivor from the world's terrifying end. I took the brooch and tucked it in the safety of my pocket for bullion.

Starry nights soon came passing by, men and women covered in finery glide in harmony, dancing to the tune played by the band of the ball.

"Missed me?" her voice chirped as a nightingale, syncing to her symphony as she slid her arms to mine.

"I would never, my love." I joked.

Taking hold of my collar, she whispered. Softly, as a leaf would fly through this night's misty air. "Liar."

"Really? I'm exceptionally certain about what I feel." She smirked which caused her to wink. Eye to eye, I watch her as we dance till the dawn, the low lights blurring everything aside from the woman in my arms. Free to drift away to a faraway land.

"What?" Her eyebrows furrowed, hearing the chuckle that escaped my lips, "I love you. Elane." I love you and, I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I couldn't.

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