Author's Note

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Hi! Readers of any age and gender all over the world. I am the author of this book titled, "And So He Ran" This may not be thoroughly complete and polished yet, but I do hope that you'd be able to enjoy reading the story I have written.

This would be the very first story I would be writing! I have always had an imaginative head, thinking of scenarios of stories I would like to read, watch, or even create. However, I was also subjected to worries as English is not my first language. And that I am still very new to writing. 

Still, I would like to give you my sincere gratitude for giving this book a chance. 

And with that, if you truly enjoyed a chapter from this book, please click the vote button with a star on each page as it does help this book to grow.

Also! As I have mentioned, English is not my first language. So I encourage you, kind readers, to use the comment section to notify me whenever I make an error in my writing or to just use it as a medium to express yourself, your thoughts, and your ideas!

P.S Some chapters (Ex: The Prologue) may have slight changes as this book is still incomplete and under construction. 

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