Cú Chulainn, Lancer

He sat down next to a fallen tree, resting against it. "Don't be scared, I just saved you from that thing." He points at the location at which the rock Grimm had turned into dust. EMIYA squints his eyes. It was easy to tell that he was another Servant. EMIYA put his hand on Ruby's shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Looks like his inner father is coming out. Ruby had said nothing to Kiritsugu since yesterday after finally realizing his identity, and so kept silent.

Lancer sighed, rolling his eyes. "Would it help if I said I have information on your enemies?" Jaune then slowly started to walk over to Lancer, reluctantly sitting down next to him.

"Tell us."

"When all of you sit down, of course!" He closes his eyes, smirking. After a while, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora had all gathered around Lancer. Ruby and EMIYA stood still. EMIYA of course not letting Ruby go, knowing humans were no match for Servants.

"Your friend there looks like a Servant. Fancy meeting one around these areas, I didn't know people were aware of the Holy Grail War around here." Lancer pointed at EMIYA.

"Enough with the games, what do you know about our enemies?" Pyrrha wanted to get straight to the point.

"Relax, hot stuff!" He let out, causing Pyrrha's face to turn red. Jaune feels a bit jealous. "Anyways, I don't know much about your main enemy, Cinder."

"So who do you know about then?" Ren questioned.

Lancer scoffed. "Fall is nothing but a puppet. I know about the puppet masters, of course. Those that are moving the pieces on the chess board. To be honest, I'm the Servant of Kirei Kotomine, who I believe to be the one behind this entire game."

Ruby's eyes widen as she hears the words 'Kirei Kotomine', remembering him from the top of the Beacon tower. Him and his disgusting Mapo Tofu. She suddenly pulled away from Kiritsugu and pulled out Crescent Rose, attempting to strike at Lancer, who was quick to stand up and block it with his spear. "You're working with him!" She yelled out.

"Hey, hey! Stop! Let me explain!" Lancer yelled out. Ruby backed away from him, waiting on Lancer's excuse. "I have no loyalty to that guy, I'm just another pawn for him. The only loyalty I have is the fact that he owns me as a Servant. It's why I'm here to tell you all about his plans." He sat back down, staring at Ruby. 

"I'm listening..." Ruby squints her eyes.

"Kirei is nothing special on his own. I'm sure any of you could have dealt with him on your own if you had ever ran into him. But that's the problem, he never shows up in public." Lancer sighs.

"You could have killed him by now if this 'Kirei' wasn't anything special." Jaune objected.

"No. I can't possibly ever hope to pull that off. The thing is, Kotomine has two Servants. The other one is an ancient king from perhaps the start of humanity. His name is Gilgamesh... I can't even dream of laying a finger on Kotomine with him around. His abilities are terrifying, to the point Kotomine needed extra Mana from other people to completely fuel him."

The group broke a sweat upon hearing that. "You can have TWO Servants?!" Ruby said, amazed. 

"I'm guessing you're new to this whole Servant thing. Yeah, but it's taxing. Is that your Servant?" He pointed at EMIYA. Ruby nodded. "I figured. It's easy to tell based off your fashion choice. I'm surprised you can even supply enough Mana to keep him around, let alone two Servants." He started to chuckle, though it was a bit awkward as none else was laughing. Ruby pouts.

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