
28 1 3

'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world, yeah

Christian West

I walked thought Steve's door. There I saw his parents on the couch watching a movie while making out. They were literally swallowing each other.

Gross lovers

Oh sorry Christian we didn't see you there!" I heard Ms. Hernandez say looking at me.

"It's fine don't worry about. Where is Steve?" I said trying to get over the fact that I just saw them trying to eat each other alive.

"He's in the basement. Don't worry about us hearing you guys talking the basement is soundproof". I looked and heard Mr. Hernandez say.

"Um...okay thanks see you guys". I said walking off to the basement.

I went to the basement door and opened then shut all 8 locks on the door. Don't even ask. I walked down and saw a guy in a chair with blood running everywhere. And crying and saying that he was sorry. But Steve would punch him every time.

"What's up mate, who's this?" I asked and tried to be nice to him at first. Because he was gonna go trough hell.

"Well, mate this is the guy who decide to tell on us for smoking in vaping in the bathroom. Even though we told him not. Stupid fucking idiot am I right". I heard Steve say while looking at me and the nerd back and fourth.

"And how did you figure out that it was this guy". I asked Steve while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, he decided to tell the principal the principal told a friend of hers which is a teacher at this school. And then I went around and asked teachers and then I told her if she told me then I would pay her. So in the end she told me who it was then I kidnapped this nerd and brought him here".

Fucking wrong move nerd

"How did your parents not think that you were kidnapping him?" I asked him while looking at him confused.

"Well I told my parents that he was my tutor and he was going to help me study for a math test and hey bought it". He said in satisfactory.

"Good job, mate". I said looking at him surprised.

"Soooo, if you knew that you were going to get in trouble by us. Why the fuck tell the principal and get yourself in even more trouble with us. And trust me you don't want to deal with me and my mate over here". I said looking at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"My gut was just tel-" before he could finish his sentence I said...

" Well would you like to know how your gut tastes like?" I looked at him with my eyebrows closed together.

"No please, no please don't i'm sorry"! he said while trying to put his hands on his close to his face but he couldn't because he was handcuffed to the chair. Going along with his legs as well so that he couldn't try and escape.

"Ya well you should have re-thinked about what you were going to go and do. Because we know that you knew what the consequences were gonna be if you snitched on us right"?! I said to him but he wasn't looking at me so Steve pulled his head so that he looked straight in the eyes.

I pulled out a pocket knife that I had carried and put in my pocket before I came here. I took it out of my pocket a made two lines going along the nerd's cheekbones. Hearing his scream was the best part. he deserved it thought because he knew that he was going to get hurt if he told on us. Especially Steve and I.

"Pensi che abbia bisogno di più cicatrici"? I said looking at Steve in his face. Steve looked back and forth between the knife in my hand and the scars on his face and arms. (do you think he needs more scars)?

"W-what are you guys talking about. Please don't hurt me i didn't mean to". He said looking back and forth between me and Steve stuttering and crying.

I smacked him across the face to shut him up. Some people are really a chatter box!

The more he cries the more he is going to lose the blood in his body faster!

"Alcuni in più sulle gambe/caviglie e poi un po' sulle labbra e sul sopracciglio e poi una pugnalata proprio al lato del petto". Steve said looking at me in satisfactory.

(Italian Translation: A few more on his legs/ankles and then some on his lips and eyebrow and then one stab right in the side of his chest.)

Dont worry I wasn't going to paralyze the guy. I'm not that evil. Am I? But I honestly wish that I could kill him and feed him his dick.

The nerd kept on screaming and crying "help me somebody please help me"! But the walls were bulletproof and soundproof. Maybe just everything proof. So no one could hear shit that he was saying. I pretty sure that Steve 's parent were still making out in the living room while we killed a nerd.

Well....... no really killed. Just made him look more prettier.

" Penso che ne abbia avuto abbastanza. Penso che abbia imparato la lezione". I said after cutting him one more time on his lip creating a "x" on his lips. (Italian Translation: I think he has had enough. I think that he has learned his lesson.)

Va bene gli chiediamo? Umm pensi di essere più carina di prima!? Oh scusa mi sono dimenticato che non parli italiano pensavo lo sapessi dato che sei un secchione. As soon as I heard Steve finsih his sentence i rolled my eyes at him. (Italian Translation: Okay let's ask him? Umm do you think that you look prettier than before!? Oh sorry I forgot you don't speak Italian I thought you would know since your a nerd.)

"Steve" I said looking at him. He got scared and backed up near the wall.

"Know do you promise to never snitch on anyone again. Because if you do then you won't have fingers and you will be paralysed and won't have ears and much worse". I said but he wasn't looking at my eyes.

Every time I tried to look at his eyes he would look away in a different place and I would have to chase the fucking nerd's eyes.

"Do you fucking understand me"! I said screaming at him while holding up his head.

"Y-yes yes I do I promise I won't tell on anyone for the rest of my life until I die".

" Good boy" I said petting his little tiny fucking head.

I looked at Steve and then nodded my head and then he started to untie the nerd and the nerd ran to the door. But I stopped him with my arm punching his stomach. He fell on the ground and ground.

I'm pretty sure that Steve's parents were to busy making out even notice that the nerd was beat up pretty badly. Because we walked up the stairs and they didn't even hear us because they were busying swallow each other.

Fucking gross

I drove the nerd home and made sure to make him tell his parents by walking up to the door with him to make sure. I made him tell his parents that he got in a fight but I was there to protect him before anything got worse.

I drove back to Steve's house said goodbye to him anf his gross fucking parents and then went back home. When I got home and I walked thought the front door my parents were standing there with my clothes in a suitcase.

They told me that I'm going to a collage for bad kids.

Fucking great just fucking great!



see you in the next chapter <3

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