Chapter 8

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"Alright, let's assume Julie was kidnapped, who would take her?" Luke asks. "Well, Caleb is the only evil person we know, and the motive would be there. We chose Julie over his band," Alex replies.

Luke sighs putting his hands behind his head pacing. "Dude, stop pacing, it's my thing to freak out," Alex says. "Yeah, totally not freaking out that my girlfriend possibly got kidnapped and we can't find her and we don't know what's happening to her," Luke says pacing more. Alex goes up to him and puts his hands on his shoulders stopping him from moving.

"Luke, calm down. We'll find her. Let's just hope that Reggie and Flynn found her or found a clue as to where she went." Luke nods calming down. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry." "It's okay, let's just keep a clear head," Alex says making Luke chuckle. "What?" Alex looks at him confused. "Usually, it's me and Reggie who have to always talk you off the deep end, now it's the other way around." "Well, times have definitely changed," Alex says.

Flynn and Reggie at the school

Flynn is frantically looking through every classroom, every nook and cranny of the school that Julie could be. She checked the music room first, then the cafeteria, followed by classrooms, closets and anywhere else she could be. She starts getting panicked seeing as Julie isn't at school. Reggie could see she was freaking out and tried to help her calm down. "Hey hey, alright, let's take a breather okay?," Reggie says. Flynn sighs, Reggie seeing her eyes start to water. He just pulls her into a hug and lets Flynn cry. "She's all I have," Flynn says through sobs. Reggie rubs her back in soothing circles. "We'll find her, we just need to find her with a clear head." Flynn nods and lifts up wiping her eyes, smiling at Reggie. "Thanks." Reggie smiles nodding, happy to have helped.

Luke and Alex poof back to the school after checking the whole house. Julie wasn't there either. They meet up with Reggie and Flynn who tell them that they didn't find her either. Luke sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"Where could she be?" Flynn asks looking more worried.

"I may know where she is."

They all look up and see Willie standing there looking apologetic.

"Willie?" says Alex trying to hide his excitement as their friend is still missing.

"I think Caleb has Julie. Since he found out I was helping you, he isn't going to let me go, but he gave me a job where I can still hear around what he's doing. I heard he has someone captive and he's been disguised as someone," Willie explains.

Luke thinks. Disguised as someone. Someone who Julie would trust. No... Luke thought.

"Nick," Luke says through his teeth. He never trusted him from the start, given that was mostly thought jealousy. He knew he was acting weird lately and even Julie saw it, even though she didn't want to see it.

They all come to the same realization and gasp.

"So, Julie might be at the Hollywood Ghost Club, Alex says. Willie nods. "I'll get there first and make sure she's there and let her know you're going to come for her. I'll also let you know when Caleb won't be there so there's a chance of you sneaking in."

They all nod and agree to the plan, well Luke is a little skeptical.

"How do we know you're not Caleb disguised as Willie?" Luke asks.

"I know I lost your trust once, but let me be able to earn it back." He's speaking to everyone, hit his eyes are mostly on Alex. Alex sees the sincerity in his eyes.

"I trust him," Alex assures making Willie smile.

"Me too," Reggie says smiling. "He did try to help us afterwards."

"I can't see who you're talking to, but if he knows where Julie is, should we risk it?" Flynn asks.

"Wait, a lifer can see you guys?" Willie asks.

"Yeah, people can see us now for some reason," Alex says. "We don't really understand it yet, but wait we're getting side. tracked. Go get Julie. Tell her we're coming to get her."

Willie nods and poofs away.

"Wait, why can't Willie just bring Julie back with him to us?" Reggie asks.

"Julie hasn't met Willie yet. She might think he's another trick by Caleb," Alex explains.

"Let's just get ready to go to her. Flynn meet us at Julie's house," Luke says.

Flynn nods wanting to object but knows it's dangerous if she comes along.

They all get ready to save Julie.

hi guys! i'm so sorry i keep saying i'll post consistently and then i take like weeks lmao. i promise i will make sure to update more frequently! i got more motivation for this story! sadly, this fanfic may be coming to an end soon! thank you to everyone who continues to read this, vote and comment! i always love seeing it! hope everyone is doing good!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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