Chapter 2

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Julie's POV

I woke up and felt two strong arms around me. I look over and smiles seeing Luke still asleep. His hair is all messy, and he looks so peaceful. I kiss his head and he moves slowly and opens his eyes.

God I love those eyes.

He smiles when he sees me. "Hey," he says in a raspy, tired voice. I smile. "Hey." We kiss softly. "I still can't get over this...," I say still thinking about last night. "Me too. I mean we play our dream gig and then all of a sudden we can touch. It's crazy." I nod sitting up but I get pulled back down by Luke. I giggle. "Never gonna get used to this." Luke smiles holding me.

"I wonder if my dad and Carlos can see you. I mean I think Carlos knows about you three." "I wouldn't be surprised...I mean Reggie put on quite a show for him." Julie looks at him with a are you serious look making Luke a little scared . "What?!" Luke chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah...he wanted your aunt to believe him about there being a ghost so Reggie turned off the lamp, moved the shades up and down and went under a blanket." Julie sighs and face palms. "Y'all are dumb I swear." Luke chuckles. "Alex and I tried to warn him, but he was on a mission." He loves how cute Julie looks when she's annoyed. Julie rolls her eyes smiling knowing how Reggie is.

"Well...anyway I'll go down to the studio so in case your dad and Carlos can see us now he won't catch me in your room." Luke says getting up. Julie nods. "His reaction of three ghost boys living in the garage will be bad enough...having a boy in my room is worse." "Well, he can't kill me since I'm already dead," Luke says smiling at his own joke.

Julie chuckles and hits him with a pillow. "Okay wise guy better head down now I think I hear him getting up." Luke nods and kisses Julie quickly before poofing out.

Julie smiles thinking about him and gets up and gets dressed. It's Sunday so Julie wants to get her homework done, which she didn't have time to do with all the Caleb drama with the jolts and also playing the orpheum; the biggest gig in the world.

She walks downstairs and goes to the kitchen and makes herself some cereal and walks back upstairs and does her homework.

A little while later at the HGC

Caleb chuckles evilly thinking about the guys thinking they're so smart. "What do you want with me?!" Nick asks trying not to act scared. "Don't worry you won't remember anything. You're just a pawn in a bigger game I'm playing. See I need to get sweet little Julie to tell me things and what's better than someone she trusts." Nick tries to get out of the ropes but they're on super tight. "Why do you want Julie?!" Caleb chuckles again. "Now if I told you my whole plan that wouldn't be fun. As I said I only need you and I'll do all the work." Nick sighs knowing he can't get out of this.
hi guys!! hope you're enjoying this story so far!! sorry if the chapters are a little short but I'm hoping to make them longer once the drama starts! votes and comments are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more! thanks for reading!!❤️

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