Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

While we rehearsed, I couldn't take my eyes off Julie. I never could even before we were together, but now knowing she is mine makes me a thousand percent happier whenever we sing. We decide to sing edge of great as a way to get our voices warmed up.

We sing our special ending where I go sit next to her at the piano and our faves are inches a part while we gaze into each other's eyes. After the song finishes, I hear Reggie and Alex chuckle watching them. I roll my eyes knowing they are really happy that Julie and I are together.

They just like to be annoying.

Julie smiles and kisses my cheek making me
blush which is weird cause I'm dead. How can I blush?!

Julie giggles. "Did I just make the all tough Luke Patterson blush?" I smile. "Only you can Molina." "Oh we're calling each other by last names now?" Julie asks jokingly. I chuckle. "I'll think of more cute nicknames." Julie smiles. "Alright, let's get back to rehearsal." They continue singing and playing their instruments when they hear a knock at the garage door. Little odd, Julie thought getting up and going over.

Julie thought it was probably Flynn and she knew they were rehearsing in the garage. She pulls up the garage door and smiles thinking its her bu then her smile falters as she sees its Nick. "Nick...hey," Julie says sounding confused. I hear Julie and look up getting jealous. I know Julie has no more feelings for him, but Nick's little smile still bothers me.

"Hey Julie!" he says in a cheery tone. "What's up...?" Julie asks confused on why he's just showing up almost every day now. "I thought I'd see you rehearse...see the behind the scenes," he says. "Rehearsals are usually private," I say going to Julie's side and putting my arm around her. "Sorry Nick....rehearsals are usually private-" "Private yeah I heard your bandmate," Nick says looking me right in the eyes. My eyes go wide. How does he see me?!Julie looks between me and him and gets worried. If Nick could see me...does that mean her dad and Carlos saw us too.

"Okay well as we said rehearsals are private so I'm sorry but bye," she opens the door and pushes him out. He waves but doesn't leave. Julie shuts the door and sighs. She then looks at me. "He saw you..." I nod. "What do you think it means?" Julie sighs. "I don't know...but I think we need to put it to the test."

"You're going to meet my family."

hi guys! sorry these chapters are so short and not consistent! i wanna try to update and not leave you guys with nothing. they'll be longer once the story comes together more! comments and feedback is always appreciated!

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