Chapter 5

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"Your family?! You mean your dad and brother?" Luke asked clearly nervous. Julie rolled her eyes jokingly. "Yep Luke what other family do I have?" Luke sighs playing with his hands. "Do you think they'll like me?" He asks nervously and Julie smiles softly still finding it hard to believe that Luke is such a softie.

"You'll be fine Luke, just be nice and show respect. My dad will like you...hopefully." Luke looks at Julie unconvinced. "Why do you say hopefully?" "Well, how do you think he's gonna react when he finds out the three guys I have been playing with are ghosts, living in the garage and oh I'm dating one." "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Julie nods half sure other half still nervous. "This was gonna have to happen eventually...might as well rip off the bandaid." Luke nods looking at Alex and Reggie. "Alright, let's go."

They decide to rehearse a little before going to remain calm. Julie's goal is to wait till almost dinner time and then that's when she'll introduce them and hopefully her dad will let them stay for dinner. After rehearsing for a bit, Julie glances at the clock and stands up totally not ready. "Alright's time."

They all nod and poof outside. Julie sighs and walks out of the garage. "Um okay guys y'all need to work on walking out like human beings. Especially if my dad and brother can see you know, we can't let them know you're ghosts. Not yet." "Don't worry Julie we will act totally normal," Alex says reassuringly. Julie smiles and nods.

" Let's go." They all walk to the door and Julie takes a deep breath before opening the door and walking in, leaving the door open for the guys. She walks to the kitchen where her dad and Carlos are setting the table. Carlos looks up and smiles. "Hey Julie." Julie smiles back replying, "Hey Carlos." She watches his reaction when the guys walk into the kitchen. He looks behind her. "Wait...aren't these the guys you have the band with?" Julie's eyes go wide when she realizes they can in fact be seen. She regains her composure and nods smiling.

"Yep! They just got here and...wanted to meet you both." Ray turns and smiles going up and shaking each of their hands. So they can touch others now too cool okay. Julie thought. "Nice to meet you all. I'm so happy I finally get to meet and thank the people who brought music back into my daughters life." They all smile. Luke speaks first. "Your daughter is crazy talented. We're lucky to have her." Julie blushes at Luke's words. "Yeah I agree, Julie's amazing. We wouldn't have the band without her," Alex includes followed by Reggie nodding in agreement excited to finally be able to talk to Ray.

"Well, I bet you boys are hungry. Why don't you stay for dinner?" They all nod smiling saying they'd love to. They all sit at the table and start eating. They talk about the band and how they met, of course having to lie a bit since they're you know ghosts. After dinner, Reggie helps Ray clean up with dinner. Carlos talks to Alex, leaving Julie and Luke to talk. "Your dad seems to like us," Luke says smiling. Julie nods smiling. "Yep, and we got to keep it that way cause my next question is gonna be if you can live here." Luke nods looking a little nervous. "Julie....where would we go if he says no?" Julie holds his hand forgetting her family is there for a minute. "I'll make sure you have a home." Carlos notices and smirks. Julie notices they're holding hands and quickly takes her hand back, scared her dad will see.

Julie goes up to her dad. "Hey dad...can I ask you a question?" Ray looks up and smiles. "Of course mija." "Well...the guys just got here and they're thinking of moving here permanently...but they don't have anywhere to live. Could they stay in the garage?" Ray looks at her and thinks for a moment before smiling. "Of course, they brought your voice and happiness back, it's only fair to repay them." Julie smiles big and hugs him. "Thanks dad!"

After they finish cleaning, the guys say goodnight and go to the door, Julie following them. Carlos follows and grabs Julie's arm. Julie turns around and looks at him confused. "Is he your boyfriend?" Carlos asks referencing to Luke. Julie's eyes go wide. "Uh no...why do you ask?" "I saw you hold his hand." "Yeah...cause we're such close...buddies." Julie says hoping he'll take that, but she knows her brother isn't dumb. "Okayyyy," he says not believing it and goes to Ray. Julie sighs of relief and follows the guys to the garage. Once they all get in they start jumping around celebrating.

"YOU GET TO LIVE HEREEE," Julie says excited. They all cheer. "Alright well, I'm going to bed. Night Julie," Alex says. Reggie follows, leaving Luke and Julie alone. They look at each other smiling and hold each other's hands. " went well," Julie says smiling. "Very Well," Luke replies smiling. They lean in and kiss softly. "Well...good night," Julie says smiling going to the door. "Goodnight," Luke says smiling watching her. Julie turns around and smiles.

"Welcome home."
hi guys!! i'm so sorry this took long. i don't have much inspo or motivation, so sorry if my writing is bad here. hope you enjoy it! as always feedback is always welcome and appreciated!!

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