Chapter 6

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Julie and Flynn walk down the hallways of their school talking about an upcoming gig they have planned.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Flynn says excitedly Julie chuckles at how excited her best friend is; especially since she seems more excited than her. "Yeah well...we'll see how it goes," Julie says skeptical. Flynn stops Julie and looks at her. "Hey, what's bothering you?" Julie sighs and looks down at her shoes. "I guess...I'm just worried. We're performing at the dance. It's giving me flashbacks to the last time I was supposed to perform at a dance." Flynn knew she was still going to think about it. " know the guys won't abandon you like the last time. You will perform and be amazing like always." Julie smiles at how Flynn always knows how to cheer her up. "Yeah I know you're right." They hug and smile heading to class.

Nick (as Caleb) watches them smirking. "So if they're performing at the boys will be in easy sight! I will get my band." He says to himself.

Later that night

Julie is in her room getting dressed for the dance. She is going through the songs they are going to sing and humming them. Luke is outside her door hearing her hum and smiling hard to himself. He does a rhythmic knock making Julie smile. "You know you don't have to knock!" Julie said chuckling. Luke walks through the door and smiles. "Hey I still remember your talk about boundaries," he replied smiling leaning on the doorframe. Julie smiles. "Well, since circumstances have changed, I don't mind sharing my boundaries with you." This made Luke's heart flutter. He remembers first meeting Julie and seeing how closed off and shy she was, yet feisty. Now, she's this confident, independent girl that he has the privilege of her being his.

"Are you just gonna stand there or come over and give your girlfriend a kiss." Luke smiled walked over and pulled her in. They kiss softly and then embracing each other. "You look amazing." Julie blushes smiling. "You don't look too bad yourself." Luke chuckles. "Well, I'll let you finish getting ready. I'll meet you at the dance with the guys." Julie nods smiling. Luke kisses her quickly before poofing to the school. Julie sighs little jealous of not being able to just teleport wherever she wants. But then again, she'd have to be dead so that jealously quickly vanished.

After she finished getting ready, she got her things and walked downstairs where her dad was waiting for her with Flynn who is going to ride with them. They're getting there early before everyone so they have time to set up, and since the guys can be visible now without having to be playing, it'll be easier. Julie still has some worries about tonight, getting flashbacks from the last school dance. She quickly shakes it off knowing it won't be the same. They get in the car and get to the school. They bye to Ray and get out, walking to the gym.

Once they walk in, they see that the guys already set up their instruments. Julie smiles loving their commitment this time. The guys see them and smile waving. When the girls get closer the guys walked down to them. "We know you're probably still thinking about the last dance.." Alex starts saying followed by Reggie, "We figured we'd help you set up!" Julie smiles. "Thanks're right I did have some concerns, but I know you'd never do that again." The guys smile. Julie looks at Luke and they smile at each other for a few seconds. "Alright about a warm up," Luke asks. They all nod and start to go through it their set warning up their voices.

After a while, the students start to arrive and Julie starts to get nervous. She still remembers how she had to cancel in front of everyone and of course Carrie had to rub it in on how she "choked". She starts to panic and tries to take deep breathes, but they're not working. Luke notices and quickly goes to her holding her hands. "Hey hey look at me," he says. Julie looks at him trying to stay calm and not freak out in front of him, but he sees right through her. "Breathe, deep breathes in and out follow my breathing." Julie does as he says and she slowly starts to feel grounded. "There you go. Better?" Julie nods smiling. "You're gonna do amazing. Remember who you are Julie Molina." Julie chuckles at that. "Thank always know how to make me feel better." "I try," he replies. Julie smiles and takes one more deep breath before saying, "Let's do this."

Flynn goes to the microphone and smiles. "Yo yo! What up Bobcats!" she chants making the students cheer. "You ready to hear some amazing music?! Well good, because here and only here tonight you get an exclusive show of JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS!" They all cheer louder. "Well you don't need to wait any further cause here they are!" The curtains open revealing Julie and the guys set up, with Julie at the front mic. Julie smiles in her cute new outfit she bought with Flynn. It's a purple jumpsuit with black boots. Her hair is half up half down. She smiles waving at everyone. "Hey guys! We're so happy we can be here today and the guys are here in person! So, no disappearing. Uh, anyway we have three songs planned for tonight. We're starting with Edge of Great and then the last two are new ones. Hope you enjoy!" Everyone starts cheering as they start the song.

Julie starts playing the piano and singing. Then, they all start singing and everyone sings along dancing. After they finish, everyone cheers. They then finish their last two songs and they say their thank yous as everyone starts dancing to the songs Flynn is playing. Julie smiles big at the guys. "Well, that went great! Great job guys."

They all hug, something they'll never get used to. "We rocked it!" Alex exclaims. "We sure did! Now that we're visible, Im going to go get punch and that cute dancer chic," Reggie says walking off the stage. "Yeah and I know you guys will probably want alone time, so I'm gonna hang out with Flynn." Alex winks at them making them laugh. "Well, shall we?" Luke asks. Julie smiles and takes his hand and waking down the stage to the dance floor. A slow dance comes on and Luke pulls her in, putting his hands on her waist, as Julie puts her arms around his neck. They smile starting to sway back and forth, gazing into each other's eyes.

"This is perfect," Julie says leaning her head on his chest. Their height difference is one of Luke's favorite things about their relationship. "It sure is," Luke replies kissing her head. They smile continuing to sway. After the song ends, Julie tells Luke she is going to get punch. Luke nods saying he's gonna go find Reggie. Julie goes to the punch table and gets a cup just as someone goes up to her.

"Hey Julie," Nick says smiling. Julie looks up and smiles. "Hey Nick! What's up?" Julie replies sipping the punch. "Nothing, just wanted to tell you you did great! Also, do you mind if we talk?" he says his voice getting quiet. Julie looks hesitant at first, but then nods smiling. "Sure." "Great, it's kind of a...sensitive topic, can we go somewhere private." Julie looks suspiciously at him but shrugs knowing nothing will happen. "Yeah that's fine." "Great," Nick replies taking her outside of the gym.

They make it to a hallway in the school and Julie looks around at how quiet it is. "So, what is it you need to talk about?" As she looks back at him, he sprinkles purple dust making Julie fall on the floor unconscious. Nick smirks talking more like Caleb now. "Perfect, the boys will have no choice to join me now, as soon as they find out I have their star and most prized possession." He poofs away, taking Julie with him.

hey guys! i hope you like this long chapter! i'm so sorry i haven't updated in a while! i'll definitely write chapters more frequently now! please vote and comment your feedback!! thank you to everyone who reads this, it means a lot!

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