Chapter Eleven

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The trip into Jaya was short, and somehow- someway, there were so many people who could recall your face! It looked totally different from back then!

You looked older! A bit wrinkly, and your fashion sense was WAY different, it was no longer affected by Roger and his bright colors.

Whatever. You totally didn't have those clothes stuffed in your closet for his anniversary. No way.

It was coming up...actually. his death.

You smiled to yourself, and shook your head. It was not a time to think of such things.

You walked into a random bar, going to grab a drink as Nozomu followed along.

You...weren't close with your crew members like you were with Roger's, most of the original crew members had valiantly died during the battle at God Valley...

To be honest, that was ACTUALLY, the first time you'd met Roger as a marine.

You remember how he reacted when you told him.

"Really?! You were THAT marine? You almost kicked my ass!!" He exclaimed, causing his while crew to burst into tears of laughter.

You chuckled, "yeah, it's how I got my scar." You pointed to the scar that went from the left side of your bottom lip, down to the base of your neck. "Slid clean through my jaw, I tell you."

Your finger traced the scar, frowning faintly. They thought your scar was so cool, but in reality- it just gave you problems with food.

You loved food. It's a shame you couldn't eat too many hard things anymore, like nuts, or chewy things like steak.

Woah, you were 21 at the God valley incident, you were so young.

Your dad said you'd trained for this your whole life afterwards, but you didn't believe him.

How you were there? You can't remember. There just some things that are better kept secret.

You shook your head, hearing some 'big shot pirates' stumble inside.

"Some people really are stupid!" He laughed, "I mean, what was he talking about? Dreams?" He inquired, taking a seat next to you. You sipped the sake in your mug nonchalantly.

He looked over at you, God you could feel the stare.

"Hey, lady, what's someone like you doing around here?" He smiled, though you were clearly uninterested as you looked over at him.

"Dreams? What's so wrong with Dreams?" You asked, your brows raising as you stared him down.

"Everyone has Dreams, whether it be the most powerful man in the world, or save one's life." You stated, "even you have a dream. Whatever bullshit it may be."

He looked offended, "do you know who i am?" He asked, grumbling.

"Do you even know who I am? Little boy?" You asked, pulling out a piece of paper.

"No, I d-"

When you rolled it out, he looked at you with a surprised expression, scared too.


"'Heart Locket,' Y/n, worth 4.8 billion as of yesterday.." he murmured.

What were you doing in a place like Jaya, and how the hell did he not recognize you?

You laughed, "exactly, the older era is still kicking, so if you spit more nonsense about  Dreams being nonsense while I'm in town, I'll castrate you, buddy."

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