Chapter Four

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[Dont worry, the skipping mostly stops here.]

Alabasta, one of the hottest goddamn places you've ever been to.

You sighed to yourself as you pulled on your old Alabastian wear.

It was a desert-traveling outfit, meant for trekking along the unbearable desert, while scrambling for water.

Luckily, you had a few old sand sleds to help lessen your journey to RainBase.

As your ship docked, you hopped off, meeting eyes with many Baroque Personnel.

"Hm." You hummed, grinning. Waving to the nicest of them, you walked over, peering down.

"Im Y/n, Captain of the Rocketto pirates. I'm just here getting to RainBase, and you folks seem like you could use a lift." You explained, handing them a nice bottle of water.

They raised a brow, definetly suspicious of you and your strong-looking crew.

The boss of the members nodded, "We could definetly use a lift." He hesitantly replied.

"No worries, we got no business with you and your boss." You winked, and gently rubbed the back of your head.

They tensed rather visibly, and backed up. "How in the hell do you know about that?"

You inhaled and exhaled sharply, "your ship says it."

They all visibly sweatdropped, "oh yeah."

"Come on, I'll take you to your HQ."

They all hopped onto some sand sleds while you, Azzy, and Nozomu all hoisted the sails of your own sled.

You all took off, the wind carrying you at immense speeds, especially due to the Jet dials that sat right at the bottom of the boat.

As you committed to driving, you noticed that someone was having trouble keeping on.

You reached out one hand, and grabbed him, pulling him infront of you, and let him rest against your stomach.

He looked up at you, the kindness that you showed many was absolutely astonishing.

Once you all pulled up to RainBase, you waved them off, smiling happily.

The group of 5 walked off with water and some food.

Nozomu sighed, and looked over at you, "You're so kind to them, and for what?"

"Cause, why not? They needed help, stop being so selfish, we have the funds to replenish everything, don't worry." You explained.

Nozomu sighed in defeat, "im such a bad first mate..."

You slapped him on the back of the head, "dont even."

He continued to sulk as he walked next to you. Until the two of you walked into a medicinal herb shop.

"Hi!" You said sweetly to the younger male, who was rather muscular get it.

He replied with a smile and waved, though he didn't seem to understand what you said.

"Do you know where these mig-" You looked at the sign next to the door, which held the words, 'I'm deaf, please use sign language, or show me a list of what is needed.'

You looked at him with a smile, 'Happen to know where these items are?' You signed.

He looked at you with surprise, and nodded with a smile.

'Come with me.'

You followed him to the back, where he showed you some potted plants.

'If you take these, they grow back. So it's worth it in the long run.' He signed, and held them in his...muscular arms.

You were basically drooling before you came to your senses, 'I'll take em."

He nodded, leading you back to his counter before ringing up the items.


Handing him the money with no complaint, you smiled, 'we could use someone like you on my crew, ever heard of me?'

'Matter of fact, I have. I'll think about your offer, but I'm not sure if people like me should be around you pirates.' He replied

'Whatever, just join, it'll be fun. I'll be here for a few days anyhow.'

'Stop by if you need anything else, okay?'

'Yeah! Bye now!'

'Bye' he finished, and sighed visibly as you left the store.

Handing Nozomu the pots, you hummed. "I don't know about you, but I'm going straight for the casinos, I heard a warlord took charge there."

Nozomu deadpanned, "is that your only reason of going there?!" He exclaimed, sulking next to you.

"Of course, I heard he was attractive too!" You giggled.

You really were hopeless.

"See you back at the hotel!" You waved, running into RainBase, only to be met by Miss All-Sunday herself.

"Morning, young lady." You said with a menacing smile, not liking her stature.

"Good morning, ma'am." She nodded, and walked past you, "I'd be careful while you're there. He doesn't like visitors."

"Nico Robin, you know as well as I do- that he can't lay a finger on me." You said, grabbing ahold of the hand that was blooming from your stomach.

She huffed, and the hand retracted.

"I know, but why are you here? Are you going to mess things up for me again?" She asked.

"That was in the past, I am not obligated to make your life as miserable as it was." You whispered.

Her eyes widened as these last few words spilled from your chapped lips. "I resent myself for it."

Her hand covered her own mouth as she looked back at you.

"I wish I could've saved everyone there, but an order was an order to me, back then." You said, sighing softly, "My ex- husband, too."

She nodded, "I understand, thank you, but that will not heal what has been broken."

"Im afraid it won't, but you'll have to deal with it. Carry it with you. Let it burden you, and eventually let it set you free." You said as you looked back at her, "as that is from experience."

And with that, you walked inside of the RainBase casino, leaving Nico Robin speechless.

As that is from experience...just what in the hell did you witness to make yourself as traumatized as her? What pains did you have to go through to begin to understand how she felt?

That was something that she wanted to understand.

She WOULD understand, soon enough.

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