A long day

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You were laying on your couch, trying to hold your phone so you could watch something on YouTube, but your arms were so tired, so you gave up and your phone ended up dropping onto you. You reached out to your coffee table near your couch and grabbed the remote control. There wasn't any specific show you wanted to watch, but you were hoping to find something to occupy yourself with. You switched the TV on and started going through all the channels that were available.
While you were trying to watch some animal documentaries, your mind started playing tricks on you, telling you that you could've done much better at work and you didn't give it your all. You started being disappointed in yourself and wished that you could rewind time just so you could do better at work. Soon enough you started comparing yourself to your colleagues, telling yourself how much better they were then you.
As your mind kept filling up with negative thoughts, your eyes started to tear up and you hid your face into your soft pillow, sniffling and silently sobbing. You turned around to lay on your stomach and started to scream into your pillow, kicking with your legs.
After a few minutes you managed to calm down and took a deep breath, laying your head sidewards onto the pillow. It was sogged with your tears and you just wanted to stand up and grab a tissue but at the same you just wanted to keep laying on the couch and do absolutely nothing.
That's when you heard a knock coming from your door. You slowly stood up, stumbling torwards the entrance of your apartement. You slowly opened the door and in front of you stood Wheatley with a blanket in hand. He came over to give it back to you, since you did forget it at his place the previous movie night. He looked at you with concern and asked if he could come inside.
Both of you sat down on your couch and you started explaining to him how tired you were and how you overworked yourself but still told yourself that nothing you did was enough. As you were talking, every second sentence being interrupted by a sob, you tried your hardest not to burst down into tears.
As he was listening to you, his eyes were filled up with sadness. He hated seeing you in pain and he hated it even more when your face was covered in tears. He gently put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a very gentle squeeze. You turned your face towards him and he gave you a little loving smile. "Everything is going to be alright, Y/N.. You're trying so much and you bring such amazing results. Who cares about the results of others, yours matter more! Well.. unless they have to present it to someone really important, or if they have to give it to, like, a president or something or a really important person, I-I don't know- But other then that, yours are important and you're doing really good at it! I've seen all your results, it was always great and you always did such a great job."
You slightly smile at his little comforting speech. He went on a little longer, telling you how proud he was of you and how you're just doing your best and your best is enough. When he was done talking, he pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping up tightly around you. He slowly stroked your back, gently rocking from side to side. You relaxed in his arms, leaning your body against his as he whispered soothing words to you. A smile started forming on your face as you closed your eyes, hiding deeper into his hug.
"Never hurt yourself over this, Y/N, not even mentally. You're doing so great, even if you can't see it. I can". You nooded and after a bit of talking, he managed to convince you to take a break from work for 2 days.
"Do you, maybe, want to go out and get ice cream? I know an ice cream place and they have good ice cream, I'm sure you'll love it! I-I think-". You chuckled and agreed and together you both went to the park, enjoying the warm summer evening.

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