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Rage. Red hot rage. How? How could he do something like this? Something like this to me. Me!

Behind any word, behind any action was the lie. His lie. A deep deception.

Love. What does that word mean if not an intense feeling of deep affection? Connection, temporary infatuation? To whom does it matter now, how can it matter? He will be dead. Deader than a spider beneath a boot, cattle in a slaughterhouse or a man fallen from space. He will be deader than me.

His deceit has left me broken. A part of me has died and a fire has begun. A fire that will rage on never ceasing its destruction until his breath comes no more. He will perish like those before him.

Mortal sins equate mortal death, 'Tis must be true. Tonight poison will make its way through his bloodstream, barbed wire will cut at his hands, nails at his feet, acid at his flesh. Oh the sweetness of his death will awaken me once more. He will learn, he will know, then he will die.

The time is here. He is here. Dinner is prepared, barbed wire, nails and acid handy. Indistinguishable. It is all indistinguishable to his mere eyes. The plan is in action.

He sits, he lies. He talks, another lie. He professes his love for me, utter rubbish. Suddenly he chokes. The poison is spreading, yes, he has lost control of his limbs, his body.

This is what one gets for cheating. For purchasing dozens of roses, chocolates and expensive jewellery for a woman other than myself. I thought we were a team yet we had never been. Will never be. He coughs and he splutters. Blood coats his collar. I place the wire on his wrists to pull at his flesh, the nails into his feet and I pore the acid to remove my touch, my love, my faith from his body. His eyes look on in immense fear, pain, anger, deceit and sorrow. Oh yes now he knows how it feels. Death soon becomes him.

Our love is no more. I am free, I am sane, I am single! Though I'm not sated yet. No, I'm not done. His sanctuary must be destroyed, his most time consuming room in ruins.

Click, click, click my shoes down the stairs. His room, his sanctuary the basement invaded. I switch the light on with glee. No. NO. NO!

How could he do this. How could he hide this. Roses of every colour, chocolates of every shape, a ring of the finest quality... a sign to propose our marriage.

He did not, would not have of ever even wished to leave me, to cheat or to sin. He loved me he cared for me and now he is dead. My rage had no warrant, his death no purpose, his deceit non existent. I have killed the man whom loved me. I have killed the man who on this very night was ready. Ready to propose. I look back and see the signs were there. His love and affection in every caress. His desire to surprise me in every way good.

But the smiles and tender touches are now but a moment in time. He had loved me and I have murdered him. Gone. He lives no more.

Regret. White blooded remorse. How could I do something like this. How I could I do something like this to him. Him of all people! Behind every word, behind every action had been his declaration of love. My misinterpretation. My maddening murder.

The End...

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