Chapter 1:

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Only in life, is there certain death.

This is a certainty that many who have come into Topkapi Palace, some were fortunate enough to survive to relish in the gliz and glamour of the palace, but behind the colourful tapestries and decorative marble was the stain of blood of fallen servants and princes alike.

Those who were also the favourites and the Kadins of Sultan were not even safe from those who wish to rise, it was never wise to lower your guard, your position could easily be taken away as easily given.

One kadin knew of this, as she was chosen to be the cure to the poisonous snake that was Hurrem Sultana and to guide the Sultan back onto the golden path towards Allah.

This woman is Haseki Melekşima Sultan.

And this, is her story.

Barely remembering how she came to Topkapi Palace, though she remembered that her first memory was the endless halls and long corridors.

Anastasia was chosen by her own father none the less as a gift to the Ottoman Empire, she was now a slave.
True that she was not the favourite amongst her father's children, born to the mistress of a Catholic Lord was frowned upon- the quicker he got rid of her, the quicker the scandal would go away.

Anastasia was not even given the chance to say her farewells to her half-siblings, she was just placed on the ship which contained other pretty girls either given or forcefully taken, the men on the ship did not take kindly to the cries of the younger girls- one such man barked at a girl who wanted to die then be a slave.

"Only the Sultan can decide whether you live or die."

Those words kept with Anastasia as they were dragged to the markets, girls were brought whilst the rest were lined up and waited to be escorted to the Palace.

She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts as a woman began to bark orders, demanding them to line up, dragging some girls along with a man that did funny gestures.
Another woman, older and wiser looking banged the stick she carried to gather attention, the room instantly quietened down as the older woman began to examine the line of girls; pulling random ones and handed them off to the man to be taken elsewhere.

Soon there were eight girls left, the older woman stopped in front of Anastasia, who did not dare to look up- even when she was grabbed by the chin and forced to look at the woman.

Looking pleased, the woman let go of Anastasia's chin, nodding towards the younger woman; who then clapped her hands for attention.
"Follow me to the baths." She barked, not waiting around for protests, guiding them from one room to another- this one was filled with steam and had no furniture aside from a few marble stools. "Strip and clean yourselves properly, once you are finished grab one towel and a pair of shoes, you'll then examined by the harem doctor."

The items that the woman spoke about were given out by other women dressed in similar clothing to that of the woman that gave the orders out, their dirty and ragged clothes were instantly taken by the very same women as soap was passed around and the girls helped to clean each other by collecting water from the marble basins that mounted the walls, with deep golden bowls.

That feeling of being clean after weeks of not being able to bathe or even change clothes felt breathtaking relaxing, though the next part of the process of becoming a slave was both humiliating and scary- naturally they weren't just checked for any diseases they may affect the Sultan and his Empire with, but they were all checked from their teeth to their most sacred and intimate parts.

Anastasia was worried that the scar she had received when she was five on her right breast would be considered a defect she would be cast out, if Anastasia was to be thrown out of Topkapi Palace- she wouldn't be able to return home.

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