“Welcome to the middle of nowhere!” He announced after a moment of silence as he drove through the gate and through the paddock on to the other side. I looked out the window and my jaw dropped. If you didn’t enter the paddock you would never ever realise that there is a ginormous lake, a park and a football oval on the other side of the trees that blocked the view from the road. He parked the car and we all piled out, Louis was kind enough to take my hand and help me out.

“How do you know about this place Harry?” I asked as Harry opened the back of the car and pulled out blankets for the picnic, the box of food we bought with us and a football.

“Look swings!” Louis shouted and gripped my hand and pulled me away for the curly haired boy.

“I used to come here when I was a kid!” Harry called after me. I giggled as Louis pulled me towards the playground that looked older than me. I pulled my hand out of Louis’ grip and slowed down.

“What’s the matter?” He frowned.

“Stop frowning you’re too young,” I smirked.

Louis laughed, “Rude!” He frowned and stopped walking to wait for me to catch up with him. When I caught up he took my hand again but this time he didn’t take off running and he didn’t drag me along. “So what happened with Zayn when we got back?” He asks curiously.

“Well he told me that he didn’t want to come with us because he didn’t want to watch us flirt.” I feel silly telling him this only because it’s partly true, Louis and I flirted pretty much the whole two and half hour ride to the, I don’t know what to call it, the park. We flirted while we were texting, we hugged and he was still grabbing on to my hand, in fact he was still holding my hand as we approached the swings.

“His loss,” Louis shrugs his shoulders and lets go of my hand and makes me sit on one of the swings and we sits beside me on the other.

“I still don’t understand why he kissed me,” I shake my head and grip the chain of the swing and lift my feet as I begin to move back and forward.

“The same reason I’d like to kiss you,” Louis says.

I glance at him and he smiles softly at me and hops off the swing. He had mentioned when we were at the movies about kissing me if the fans got in to the cinema and I had thought that I wouldn’t complain if he kissed me. I had the darkness to hide my blush that time, this time I wasn’t so lucky it was the middle of the day and it was bright and sunny. He hops off his swing and walks in front of me and stops me swinging. “Speak now if you don’t want it,” He whispers as he leans down and puts his hands on top of mine which are strangling the swing chains.

I don’t say anything; even if I wanted to I was frozen. The closer he got to my lips the more butterflies appeared in my stomach. Before I knew it my eyes were closed and Louis’ warm lips were on top of mine, they were soft and gentle and my lips moved in sync with his.

We would have kissed for a lot longer than we did if Harry, Niall and Liam hadn’t started whooping and clapping. Louis pulled away and looked over his shoulder before raising his right hand and flipping them all the bird. I laughed and hopped off the swing and we walked away from the group and over to the lake.

Louis’ point of view

What the fuck did I just do? I quite honestly did not plan on kissing her and I thought that when I told her to speak up if she didn’t want me to kiss her she would speak up but she just sat there. I didn’t think I’d get another opportunity like that. When we parted I flipped off the lads who had been watching us since we walked off, or since I dragged Iggy over to the swings.

We walked quietly around the big lake, it was silent but it was comfortable and I really wanted to hold her hand again. Finally when we walked around the whole lake I took her hand again for the millionth time that day and slid my fingers between hers. I glanced at her to see her reaction and she glanced at me and smiled.

I didn’t know what to say to her now, it’s not awkward but I don’t want to say something to screw it up. “Oi you tosser come get some food!” Niall shouted as we walked around the lake a second time in silence. I glanced over to the lads and Danielle and they were all sitting down on blankets under a shady tree.

“Want to eat?” I turn to Iggy.

“Sure,” She nods.

I smile at her and smirk when a little red blush appears on her cheeks. “You are so cute!” I coo and pinch her cheeks. She swats my fingers away and we started to walk back over to the picnic where the others are. I looked up when I heard the engine of a car and was horrified to see Eleanor’s car parking next to the van. What the fuck is doing here?

“Is that Eleanor?” Iggy was looking in the same direction I was.

“Yeah I think it is,” I mutter in reply. I’m in shock, I haven’t heard from her in a few days, I thought that she was finally accepting that I didn’t want to see or hear from her anymore. Iggy went to let go of my hand and I shook my head and gripped her hand tighter.

“Did you invite her?”

“Fuck no I haven’t spoken or seen her in days,” I shook my head but I can sort of understand why she might think that.

“I wonder how she knew we were here,” She wonders out loud.

“Sorry Lou!” Harry yells.

I glare at Harry did he tell Eleanor where we were? He knew that I liked Iggy why would he invite my ex-girlfriend. He shook his head as we approached. “I mentioned it to Zayn where I was planning on driving,” He says as we get closer.

“Louis my hand,” Iggy whispered.

I look down to our hands and realise I’m squeezing her hand really hard. “Sorry,” I mutter and loosen my grip but don’t let go. “So it was Zayn that told her we were here?” I arch an eyebrow and cannot seem to contain my anger at my band mate. What an arsehole.

“Hi guys,” Eleanor chirps as she walks over to us.

I can’t help the venom in my voice, this girl used to be my everything, granted I wasn’t in love with her when she told me that she had been cheating on me but she cheated on me. I could be the unhappiest guy in the world and I would never have cheated on her. So when I greeted her in return it was incredibly rude and hostile, “What the fuck are you doing here?”


It’s late and I go back to work tomorrow so thanks for reading, thanks for commenting and voting on the other chapters! I love you guys! So vote! Leave me a comment and follow me if you’re not already following me.

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