9: The Beginning of Something New

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Author's Note:

Song for this chapter is State Lines and Carry You, be Novo Amor. (Linked in the comments as usual.)

Also guys its canon that Levi would be a stuttering shy mess, in front of his crush😭.


MAY 846

The moon glows brightly, savoring the few minutes it has before the sun rises again. The key in Levi's pocket jingles with every step, as he walks down the familiar path to the house that he knows all too well.

The crickets are chirping and the scent of dew drops lingers in the air. The world looks serene, and for a fleeting moment he feels like it's just him in this world, and all of his problems have ceased to exist.

Levi relaxes a little as the fresh morning air hits his face, and he doesn't understand how he's not in a sour mood, when he's disrupting his entire routine and missing his morning workout just for this stupid trip to Mae's house.

A part of him thinks it's important, because for some reason he can't quieten the giddy feeling in his heart that arises everytime he thinks of her. It's been there since that night when he dropped her home, and bandaged her wounded knee. Like he's infected by some parasite.

But another part of him believes that, just like everything else, this feeling will fade, and he shouldn't worry too much about frivolous things like this.

It's not rare for him to not sleep the entire night. But the thoughts that kept him awake tonight weren't ones of humanity's extinction or the deaths on a mission. But of Mae.

And his heart bubbles with excitement as he thinks about what she must be doing now, and when he'll meet her next. There is an unquenchable desire brimming in his mind. It's to see her, once again, even though her face is well ingrained in his head by now.

And so he needs answers to whatever has gone wrong with his brain. And he's sure he'll find some help at her place, he always does.

His head feels lighter as he sees her house at the end of the street. It's familiar, and Levi finds comfort in familiarity.

He walks into the porch and stares at the gates. Two extra pairs of footwear are discarded on the doormat. They are too big for Mae's feet, so Mr.Mendes and his son must be back. Unless she's having someone else at her house.

And even though the thought gives birth to bitterness in his heart, he is going to enter her house as quietly as possible.

He takes out the key and pushes it into the keyhole. The gears shift into place, and the door clicks open.

The house is warm, compared to the cold morning. And Levi's suspicions come true when he sees the suitcases stacked together, close to the walls in the living room.

Mr. Mendes must be back. And it's going to be awkward between him and Mae.

But she is going to shift to the Survey Corps Headquarters tomorrow, and then all will be well.

Levi's happy for her. The survey corps isn't a luxurious place, but it's warm, filled with passionate people who strive for the same cause.

And for some reason, the thought that he'll get to be a lot closer to her makes him a little happy as well.

Soft snores resonate from Mae's room. And Levi makes his way towards her room and opens the door.

She lies on her back. Legs wide apart, and one of her foot props out of the bed. Her hands are up, folded, encasing her head in a square, and her hair is messily strewn across the pillow. Her mouth is slightly open and some drool rolls out of it.

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