Mari caught herself blushing and pursed her lips to the side. "Thank you too." She cocked her head to the side as she stared into his eyes. She hated how nice he was being because it was going to make this conversation that much harder.

The reminder of why Samiron was here made the smile instantly fall from her lips. Samiron himself felt the mood shift that was bound to happen. Mari let out a little sigh and bent down to get Sani's attention again. "Me and daddy need to talk about something serious, baby. Can you go upstairs and play for a little?" She spoke with her hand on his arm.

Sani knew his mom was serious just by being able to sense her tone. So he nodded and turned towards his dad, giving him a short hug and taking the dinosaur toy that Samiron was handing him. Both parents watched him walk up the stairs and as soon as he disappeared down the hall, Mari headed towards the living room with Samiron following.

Samiron took a seat on the couch and leaned back, stretching his arms over the back as he watched Mari take the roses out of the packaging and cut the ends. She took the flower vase that sat on the glass coffee table into the kitchen. She tossed the old lilies out and refilled the vase with new water before putting the roses in and setting it back on the coffee table. After throwing the trash away and busying herself with whatever she could, she sat on the couch adjacent to Samiron and crossed her feet at her ankles.

Silence passed between the two and everything that was still unsaid hung in the air between them. A lot of questions had to be asked and a lot of answers still deserved to be heard.

"Why?" Mari finally broke the silence, averting Samiron's attention away from the wall in front of him and to her, "Why did you do it?" She asked again, but this time her voice held a pleading tone.

Samiron sighed and opened his mouth to speak but Mari put her hand up, not even really wanting to hear his response yet. "I loved you, Samiron. More than I've ever loved anyone in my life before. You knew what I dealt with, with both of my ex's. I didn't know how to be in a relationship and I kept choosing the wrong people. But then I met you."

Mari looked Samiron dead in the eye as she spoke. This was her opportunity to finally get all her frustration and sadness out. All those nights of crying, holding Sani and wondering why his father hated her so much, being told by everyone around her that he really did love her, yet his words showed different, listening to his distasteful tone over the phone, him speaking to her like he couldn't be bothered by her — this was her chance to finally confront the issue; Samiron.

"Messiah murdered my brother in cold blood and I was still sleeping in the same bed as him, not knowing he was the reason my brother was gone. TK sexually assaulted me, cheated on me with multiple females, embarrassed me, used me and went as far as making you believe I cheated — after all the shit I've been through with niggas, I should've gave the up, but I still gave you my heart!" Mari raised her voice, "and for what? All those feelings and all that time I spent getting you to see that I'm not gonna let you down like so many people have and for what? For you to treat me as if I meant nothing to you as soon as you get behind bars." Mari spoke, an unwanted tear slipping down her face.

Samiron wanted to get up and pull her into his chest. He hated seeing her cry and he hated being the reason behind her tears even more. But he knew Mari's anger was warranted. She didn't yell, cry or get angry for no reason. Samiron had provoked her and pushed her over the edge, so now he had to feel her wrath. Even though she felt like this didn't even amount to the pain he'd caused her.

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